Jessi J. Halligan
Jessi J. Halligan
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
The Buttermilk Creek complex and the origins of Clovis at the Debra L. Friedkin site, Texas
MR Waters, SL Forman, TA Jennings, LC Nordt, SG Driese, JM Feinberg, ...
science 331 (6024), 1599-1603, 2011
Pre-Clovis occupation 14,550 years ago at the Page-Ladson site, Florida, and the peopling of the Americas
JJ Halligan, MR Waters, A Perrotti, IJ Owens, JM Feinberg, MD Bourne, ...
Science advances 2 (5), e1600375, 2016
Our blue planet: An introduction to maritime and underwater archaeology
B Ford, JJ Halligan, A Catsambis
Oxford University Press, 2020
Crossing the waterline: Integrating terrestrial and submerged site investigations in the Aucilla River, Florida
JJ Halligan
Submerged Prehistory in the Americas, 46-63, 2023
Geoarchaeological investigations into paleoindian adaptations on the Aucilla River, Northwest Florida
JJ Halligan
Texas A&M University, 2012
Reconstructing the Pleistocene environment of the Greater Southeast
JJ Halligan
In the Eastern Fluted Point Tradition, 58-74, 2013
Reconstructing terminal Pleistocene-early Holocene environmental change at Page-Ladson, Florida using diatom evidence
AG Perrotti, B Winsborough, JJ Halligan, MR Waters
PaleoAmerica 6 (2), 181-193, 2020
The Debra L. Friedkin Site, Texas and the origins of Clovis
MR Waters, SL Forman, TA Jennings, LC Nordt, SG Driese, JM Feinberg, ...
Science 331 (1), 1599-1603, 2011
Pre-Clovis occupation 14,550 years ago at the page-Ladson site, Florida, and the peopling of the Americas. Sci. Adv. 2 (5), 1–8
J Halligan, MR Waters, A Perrotti, IJ Owens, JM Feinberg, MD Bourne, ...
Geoarchaeological framework of late Pleistocene and early Holocene sites in the Aucilla River Basin, Northwest Florida, USA
JJ Halligan
Geoarchaeology 36 (2), 213-237, 2021
Lake Ontario Paleoshorelines and Submerged Prehistoric Site Potential in the Great Lakes
J Halligan
The Archaeology of Maritime Landscapes, 45-62, 2011
A North American perspective: Comment on Jonathan Benjamin's ‘Submerged prehistoric landscapes and underwater site discovery: reevaluating the ‘Danish model’for international …
B Ford, J Halligan
Journal of Island & Coastal Archaeology 5 (2), 277-279, 2010
Contributions of Submerged Archaeological Research to the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Record of the Southeast
MF Smith, SA Joy, MR Waters, JJ Halligan, MK Faught, DK Thulman, ...
The American Southeast at the End of the Ice Age, 213-229, 2022
Submerged inland landscapes of the Aucilla basin, Northwest Florida, USA: populating the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene landscape
JJ Halligan
World Archaeology 54 (1), 122-141, 2022
The weathering and scavenging of keratin
CM Mahan, SA Allaun, JJ Halligan, TA Surovell
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 47, 103807, 2023
The Early Holocene archaeology of Florida: geospatial approaches to understanding Bolen mobility
JJ Halligan, DK Thulman, A Burke, M Smith
Southeastern Archaeology 42 (1), 31-45, 2023
The Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Archaeology of Florida
JJ Halligan, GE Farr
The American Southeast at the End of the Ice Age, 62, 2022
Inundated Freshwater Settings
J Halligan
Encylopedia of Geoarchaeology, 2016
Maushop's Legacy: Cultural Continuity on Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, 7000 Years Ago to the Present
JJ Halligan
Harvard University, 2000
Theoretical and Methodological Contributions from Researching the Earliest Southeastern Record
AM Smallwood, JJ Halligan, TA Jennings, DS Miller, JW Tune, ...
PaleoAmerica 10 (4), 247-266, 2024
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