Juan Alfonso Lara Torralbo
Juan Alfonso Lara Torralbo
Kiti vardaiJuan A. Lara
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Data mining for modeling students’ performance: A tutoring action plan to prevent academic dropout
C Burgos, ML Campanario, D de la Peña, JA Lara, D Lizcano, ...
Computers & Electrical Engineering 66, 541-556, 2018
Blockchain-based approach to create a model of trust in open and ubiquitous higher education
D Lizcano, JA Lara, B White, S Aljawarneh
Journal of Computing in Higher Education 32, 109-134, 2020
A system for knowledge discovery in e-learning environments within the European Higher Education Area–Application to student data from Open University of Madrid, UDIMA
JA Lara, D Lizcano, MA Martínez, J Pazos, T Riera
Computers & Education 72, 23-36, 2014
Special issue on the current trends in E-learning Assessment
JA Lara, S Aljawarneh, S Pamplona
Journal of Computing in Higher Education 32, 1-8, 2020
Early prediction of student learning performance through data mining: A systematic review
J López-Zambrano, JAL Torralbo, C Romero
Psicothema 33 (3), 456, 2021
A review on data fusion in multimodal learning analytics and educational data mining
W Chango, JA Lara, R Cerezo, C Romero
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 12 (4 …, 2022
Towards portability of models for predicting students’ final performance in university courses starting from moodle logs
J López-Zambrano, JA Lara, C Romero
Applied Sciences 10 (1), 354, 2020
Particularities of data mining in medicine: lessons learned from patient medical time series data analysis
S Aljawarneh, A Anguera, JW Atwood, JA Lara, D Lizcano
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2019 (1), 260, 2019
Applying data mining techniques to medical time series: an empirical case study in electroencephalography and stabilometry
A Anguera, JM Barreiro, JA Lara, D Lizcano
Computational and structural biotechnology journal 14, 185-199, 2016
Data preparation for KDD through automatic reasoning based on description logic
JA Lara, D Lizcano, MA Martínez, J Pazos
Information systems 44, 54-72, 2014
An Analysis of Covid-19 Vaccine Allergic Reactions
R Schumaker, M Veronin, T Rohm, R Dixit, S Aljawarneh, J Lara
Journal of International Technology and Information Management 30 (4), 24-40, 2021
On the use of information fusion techniques to improve information quality: Taxonomy, opportunities and challenges
R Gutiérrez, V Rampérez, H Paggi, JA Lara, J Soriano
Information Fusion 78, 102-137, 2022
FLAS: A combination of proactive and reactive auto-scaling architecture for distributed services
V Rampérez, J Soriano, D Lizcano, JA Lara
Future Generation Computer Systems 118, 56-72, 2021
Developing big data projects in open university engineering courses: Lessons learned
JA Lara, AA De Sojo, S Aljawarneh, RP Schumaker, B Al-Shargabi
Ieee Access 8, 22988-23001, 2020
Web gamification with problem simulators for teaching engineering
FD de la Peña Esteban, JA Lara Torralbo, D Lizcano Casas, ...
Journal of Computing in Higher Education 32 (1), 135-161, 2020
Developing front-end Web 2.0 technologies to access services, content and things in the future Internet
JA Lara, D Lizcano, MA Martínez, J Pazos
Future Generation Computer Systems 29 (5), 1184-1195, 2013
Krishna Sudarsana—A Z-space interest measure for mining similarity profiled temporal association patterns
R Vangipuram, PV Kumar, V Janaki, SA Aljawarneh, JA Lara, ...
Foundations of Science 25, 1027-1048, 2020
Data science for analyzing and improving educational processes
S Aljawarneh, JA Lara
Journal of Computing in Higher Education 33, 545-550, 2021
Who discovered the binary system and arithmetic? Did Leibniz plagiarize Caramuel?
J Ares, J Lara, D Lizcano, MA Martínez
Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (1), 173-188, 2018
From SLA to vendor‐neutral metrics: An intelligent knowledge‐based approach for multi‐cloud SLA‐based broker
V Rampérez, J Soriano, D Lizcano, S Aljawarneh, JA Lara
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 37 (12), 10533-10575, 2022
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