Aneika C Leney
Aneika C Leney
School of Biosciences, University of Birmingham, UK
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Native mass spectrometry: what is in the name?
AC Leney, AJR Heck
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 28 (1), 5-13, 2016
Elucidating crosstalk mechanisms between phosphorylation and O-GlcNAcylation
AC Leney, D El Atmioui, W Wu, H Ovaa, AJR Heck
Proceedings of the national Academy of Sciences 114 (35), E7255-E7261, 2017
Crosstalk between phosphorylation and O‐Glc NA cylation: friend or foe
SAM van der Laarse, AC Leney, AJR Heck
The FEBS journal 285 (17), 3152-3167, 2018
Evidence for phospholipid export from the bacterial inner membrane by the Mla ABC transport system
GW Hughes, SCL Hall, CS Laxton, P Sridhar, AH Mahadi, C Hatton, ...
Nature microbiology 4 (10), 1692-1705, 2019
Extended O-GlcNAc on HLA class-I-bound peptides
F Marino, M Bern, GPM Mommen, AC Leney, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (34), 10922-10925, 2015
Amphipathic polymers enable the study of functional membrane proteins in the gas phase
AC Leney, LM McMorran, SE Radford, AE Ashcroft
Analytical chemistry 84 (22), 9841-9847, 2012
Nanodiscs and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry: a tool for screening glycolipids against proteins
AC Leney, X Fan, EN Kitova, JS Klassen
Analytical chemistry 86 (11), 5271-5277, 2014
Picodiscs for facile protein-glycolipid interaction analysis
AC Leney, R Rezaei Darestani, J Li, S Nikjah, EN Kitova, C Zou, ...
Analytical Chemistry 87 (8), 4402-4408, 2015
Connecting color with assembly in the fluorescent B‐phycoerythrin protein complex
AC Leney, A Tschanz, AJR Heck
The FEBS journal 285 (1), 178-187, 2018
Deciphering the interplay among multisite phosphorylation, interaction dynamics, and conformational transitions in a tripartite protein system
P Lössl, AM Brunner, F Liu, AC Leney, M Yamashita, RA Scheltema, ...
ACS central science 2 (7), 445-455, 2016
Direct monitoring of protein O-GlcNAcylation by high-resolution native mass spectrometry
AC Leney, K Rafie, DMF Van Aalten, AJR Heck
ACS chemical biology 12 (8), 2078-2084, 2017
Insights into the role of the beta-2 microglobulin D-strand in amyloid propensity revealed by mass spectrometry
AC Leney, CL Pashley, CA Scarff, SE Radford, AE Ashcroft
Molecular BioSystems 10 (3), 412-420, 2014
Loss of CRMP2 O-GlcNAcylation leads to reduced novel object recognition performance in mice
V Muha, R Williamson, R Hills, AD McNeilly, TG McWilliams, J Alonso, ...
Open biology 9 (11), 190192, 2019
FAIMS enhances the detection of PTM crosstalk sites
KR Adoni, DL Cunningham, JK Heath, AC Leney
Journal of proteome research 21 (4), 930-939, 2022
Discovering protein–protein interaction stabilisers by native mass spectrometry
J Bellamy-Carter, M Mohata, M Falcicchio, J Basran, Y Higuchi, ...
Chemical science 12 (32), 10724-10731, 2021
Subunit pI can influence protein complex dissociation characteristics
AC Leney
Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry 30 (8), 1389-1395, 2019
The role of chaperone-subunit usher domain interactions in the mechanism of bacterial pilus biogenesis revealed by ESI-MS
B Morrissey, AC Leney, AT Reˆgo, G Phan, WJ Allen, D Verger, ...
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 11 (7), M111. 015289-1-M111. 015289-11, 2012
Tracking the mechanism of covalent molecular glue stabilization using native mass spectrometry
CJA Verhoef, DF Kay, L van Dijck, RG Doveston, L Brunsveld, AC Leney, ...
Chemical Science 14 (24), 6756-6762, 2023
A colorful pallet of B-phycoerythrin proteoforms exposed by a multimodal mass spectrometry approach
S Tamara, M Hoek, RA Scheltema, AC Leney, AJR Heck
Chem 5 (5), 1302-1317, 2019
Second order rate constants of donor-strand exchange reveal individual amino acid residues important in determining the subunit specificity of pilus biogenesis
AC Leney, G Phan, W Allen, D Verger, G Waksman, SE Radford, ...
Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry 22 (7), 2011
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