Tong Liu
Tong Liu
Lecturer in Pervasive Data Science, University of Sheffield
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Research on Healthy Anomaly Detection Model Based on Deep Learning from Multiple Time‐Series Physiological Signals
K Wang, Y Zhao, Q Xiong, M Fan, G Sun, L Ma, T Liu
Scientific Programming 2016 (1), 5642856, 2016
A semi-supervised leakage detection method driven by multivariate time series for natural gas gathering pipeline
Z Zuo, L Ma, S Liang, J Liang, H Zhang, T Liu
Process safety and environmental protection 164, 468-478, 2022
Fast adaptive gradient RBF networks for online learning of nonstationary time series
T Liu, S Chen, S Liang, S Gan, CJ Harris
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 68, 2015-2030, 2020
Accurate WiFi-based indoor localization by using fuzzy classifier and mlps ensemble in complex environment
Q Zhu, Q Xiong, K Wang, W Lu, T Liu
Journal of the Franklin Institute 357 (3), 1420-1436, 2020
Selective ensemble of multiple local model learning for nonlinear and nonstationary systems
T Liu, S Chen, S Liang, CJ Harris
Neurocomputing 378, 98-111, 2020
Learning to detect local overheating of the high-power microwave heating process with deep learning
K Wang, L Ma, Q Xiong, S Liang, G Sun, X Yu, Z Yao, T Liu
IEEE Access 6, 10288-10296, 2018
Spatio-temporal similarity measure based multi-task learning for predicting alzheimer’s disease progression using mri data
X Wang, Y Zhang, M Zhou, T Liu, J Qi, P Yang
2023 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM …, 2023
Explainable tensor multi-task ensemble learning based on brain structure variation for Alzheimer’s disease dynamic prediction
Y Zhang, T Liu, V Lanfranchi, P Yang
IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine 11, 1-12, 2022
Multi-task learning with adaptive global temporal structure for predicting Alzheimer's disease progression
M Zhou, Y Zhang, T Liu, Y Yang, P Yang
Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information …, 2022
Fast tunable gradient RBF networks for online modeling of nonlinear and nonstationary dynamic processes
T Liu, S Chen, S Liang, D Du, CJ Harris
Journal of Process Control 93, 53-65, 2020
Data-based online optimal temperature tracking control in continuous microwave heating system by adaptive dynamic programming
T Liu, S Liang, Q Xiong, K Wang
Neural processing letters 51, 167-191, 2020
Multi-output selective ensemble identification of nonlinear and nonstationary industrial processes
T Liu, S Chen, S Liang, S Gan, CJ Harris
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 33 (5), 1867-1880, 2020
Integrating Visualised Automatic Temporal Relation Graph into Multi-Task Learning for Alzheimer's Disease Progression Prediction
M Zhou, X Wang, T Liu, Y Yang, P Yang
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2024
Robust temporal smoothness in multi-task learning
M Zhou, Y Zhang, Y Yang, T Liu, P Yang
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 37 (9), 11426 …, 2023
Sustainable fertilisation management via tensor multi-task learning using multi-dimensional agricultural data
Y Zhang, X Wang, T Liu, R Wang, Y Li, Q Xue, P Yang
Journal of Industrial Information Integration 34, 100461, 2023
Two-stage method for diagonal recurrent neural network identification of a high-power continuous microwave heating system
T Liu, S Liang, Q Xiong, K Wang
Neural Processing Letters 50, 2161-2182, 2019
Adaptive multioutput gradient RBF tracker for nonlinear and nonstationary regression
T Liu, S Chen, K Li, S Gan, CJ Harris
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 53 (12), 7906-7919, 2023
Integrated CS optimization and OLS for recurrent neural network in modeling microwave thermal process
T Liu, S Liang, Q Xiong, K Wang
Neural Computing and Applications 32, 12267-12280, 2020
Adaptive critic based optimal neurocontrol of a distributed microwave heating system using diagonal recurrent network
T Liu, S Liang, Q Xiong, K Wang
IEEE Access 6, 68839-68849, 2018
Leak detection for natural gas gathering pipelines under multiple operating conditions using RP-1dConvLSTM-AE and multimodel decision
Z Zuo, H Zhang, L Ma, T Liu, S Liang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 71 (6), 6263-6273, 2023
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