Professor Seun  Kolade
Professor Seun Kolade
Sheffield Business School
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Employment 5.0: The work of the future and the future of work
O Kolade, A Owoseni
Technology in Society 71, 102086, 2022
Covid-19 and the tourism industry: An early stage sentiment analysis of the impact of social media and stakeholder communication
D Obembe, O Kolade, F Obembe, A Owoseni, O Mafimisebi
International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 1 (2), 100040, 2021
Is women empowerment a zero sum game? Unintended consequences of microfinance for women’s empowerment in Ghana
S Salia, J Hussain, I Tingbani, O Kolade
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 24 (1), 273-289, 2018
Impact of cooperative membership on farmers' uptake of technological innovations in Southwest Nigeria
O Kolade, T Harpham
Development Studies Research. An Open Access Journal 1 (1), 340-353, 2014
The emergence and strategy of tech hubs in Africa: Implications for knowledge production and value creation
VY Atiase, O Kolade, TA Liedong
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 161, 120307, 2020
Technology acceptance and readiness of stakeholders for transitioning to a circular plastic economy in Africa
O Kolade, V Odumuyiwa, S Abolfathi, P Schröder, K Wakunuma, ...
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 183, 121954, 2022
Digital innovations for transitioning to circular plastic value chains in Africa
M Oyinlola, P Schröder, T Whitehead, O Kolade, K Wakunuma, S Sharifi, ...
Africa Journal of Management 8 (1), 83-108, 2022
Can university-industry-government collaborations drive a 3D printing revolution in Africa? A triple helix model of technological leapfrogging in additive manufacturing
O Kolade, A Adegbile, D Sarpong
Technology in Society 69, 101960, 2022
Venturing under fire: Entrepreneurship education, venture creation, and poverty reduction in conflict-ridden Maiduguri, Nigeria
O Kolade
Education+ Training 60 (7/8), 749-766, 2018
Development and validation of sources of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and outcome expectations: A social cognitive career theory perspective
AS Adebusuyi, OF Adebusuyi, O Kolade
The International Journal of Management Education 20 (2), 100572, 2022
Palm kernel waste management through composting and crop production
OO Kolade, AO Coker, MKC Sridhar, GO Adeoye
Journal of Environmental Health Research 5 (2), 81, 2006
Technological constraints to firm performance: The moderating effects of firm linkages and cooperation
O Kolade, D Obembe, S Salia
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 26 (1), 85-104, 2019
Post‐disaster Housing Reconstruction: The Impact of Resourcing in Post‐cyclones Sidr and Aila in Bangladesh
MZ Islam, O Kolade, G Kibreab
Journal of International Development 30 (6), 934-960, 2018
Is AI changing learning and assessment as we know it? Evidence from a ChatGPT experiment and a conceptual framework
O Kolade, A Owoseni, A Egbetokun
Heliyon 10 (4), 2024
Social capital’s role in humanitarian crises
DP Aldrich, O Kolade, K McMahon, R Smith
Journal of Refugee Studies 34 (2), 1787-1809, 2021
The Palgrave handbook of agricultural and rural development in Africa
E Osabuohien
Palgrave Macmillan 10, 978-973, 2020
The business models of tech hubs in Africa: implications for viability and sustainability
O Kolade, V Atiase, W Murithi, N Mwila
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 33 (10), 1213-1225, 2021
Displaced, excluded, and making do: a study of refugee entrepreneurship in Kenya
T Luseno, O Kolade
Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies 15 (4), 808-834, 2023
Blockchains and the disruption of the sharing economy value chains
O Kolade, D Adepoju, A Adegbile
Strategic Change 31 (1), 137-145, 2022
Environments for Joint University-Industry Laboratories (JUIL): Micro-level dimensions and research implications
AS Adegbile, D Sarpong, O Kolade
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 170, 120888, 2021
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