Dongliang Zhao(赵东亮)
Dongliang Zhao(赵东亮)
Professor, School of Energy and Environment, Southeast University (China)
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Scalable-manufactured randomized glass-polymer hybrid metamaterial for daytime radiative cooling
Y Zhai, Y Ma, SN David, D Zhao, R Lou, G Tan, R Yang, X Yin
Science 355 (6329), 1062-1066, 2017
A review of thermoelectric cooling: Materials, modeling and applications
D Zhao, G Tan
Applied Thermal Engineering 66, 15-24, 2014
Radiative sky cooling: Fundamental principles, materials, and applications
D Zhao, A Aili, Y Zhai, S Xu, G Tan, X Yin, R Yang
Applied Physics Reviews 6 (2), 021306, 2019
Measurement techniques for thermal conductivity and interfacial thermal conductance of bulk and thin film materials
D Zhao, X Qian, X Gu, SA Jajja, R Yang
Journal of Electronic Packaging 138, 2016
Subambient cooling of water: Toward real-world applications of daytime radiative cooling
D Zhao, A Aili, Y Zhai, J Lu, D Kidd, G Tan, X Yin, R Yang
Joule 3 (1), 111-123, 2019
High-performance wearable thermoelectric generator with self-healing, recycling, and Lego-like reconfiguring capabilities
W Ren, Y Sun, D Zhao, A Aili, S Zhang, C Shi, J Zhang, H Geng, J Zhang, ...
Science Advances 7 (7), eabe0586, 2021
Selection of polymers with functional groups for day-time radiative cooling
A Aili, Z Wei, Y Chen, D Zhao, R Yang, X Yin
Materials Today Physics 10, 100127, 2019
Hydrophobic copper nanowires for enhancing condensation heat transfer
R Wen, Q Li, J Wu, G Wu, W Wang, Y Chen, X Ma, D Zhao, R Yang
Nano Energy 33, 177-183, 2017
Numerical analysis of a shell-and-tube latent heat storage unit with fins for air-conditioning application
D Zhao, G Tan
Applied Energy 138, 381-392, 2015
Hierarchical superhydrophobic surfaces with micropatterned nanowire arrays for high-efficiency jumping droplet condensation
R Wen, S Xu, D Zhao, YC Lee, X Ma, R Yang
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017
Energy saving and economic analysis of a new hybrid radiative cooling system for single-family houses in the USA
K Zhang, D Zhao, X Yin, R Yang, G Tan
Applied Energy 224, 371-381, 2018
Personal thermal management using portable thermoelectrics for potential building energy saving
D Zhao, X Lu, T Fan, YS Wu, L Lou, Q Wang, J Fan, R Yang
Applied Energy 218, 282-291, 2018
Optimal study of a solar air heating system with pebble bed energy storage
DL Zhao, Y Li, YJ Dai, RZ Wang
Energy Conversion and Management 52 (6), 2392-2400, 2011
Personal thermal management techniques for thermal comfort and building energy saving
Z Ma, D Zhao, C She, Y Yang, R Yang
Materials Today Physics 20, 100465, 2021
Experimental evaluation of a prototype thermoelectric system integrated with PCM (phase change material) for space cooling
D Zhao, G Tan
Energy 68, 658-666, 2014
A kW-scale, 24-hour continuously operational, radiative sky cooling system: Experimental demonstration and predictive modeling
A Aili, D Zhao, J Lu, Y Zhai, X Yin, G Tan, R Yang
Energy Conversion and Management 186, 586-596, 2019
Study of a thermoelectric space cooling system integrated with phase change material
G Tan, D Zhao
Applied Thermal Engineering 86, 187-198, 2015
Micro‐nano porous structure for efficient daytime radiative sky cooling
J Liu, H Tang, C Jiang, S Wu, L Ye, D Zhao, Z Zhou
Advanced Functional Materials, 2206962, 2022
Roof-integrated radiative air-cooling system to achieve cooler attic for building energy saving
D Zhao, A Aili, X Yin, G Tan, R Yang
Energy and Buildings 203, 109453, 2019
Radiative sky cooling-assisted thermoelectric cooling system for building applications
D Zhao, X Yin, J Xu, G Tan, R Yang
Energy 190, 116322, 2020
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