Murugesan Selvam
Murugesan Selvam
Retired Senior Professor and Head, Dept. of Commerce and Financial Studies, Bharathidasan
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Determinants of firm performance: A subjective model
M Selvam, J Gayathri, V Vasanth, K Lingaraja, S Marxiaoli
Int'l J. Soc. Sci. Stud. 4, 90, 2016
Service loyalty measurement scale: A reliability assessment
JC Sudhahar, D Israel, AP Britto, M Selvam
American Journal of Applied Sciences 3 (4), 1814-1818, 2006
Determinants of financial inclusion: An empirical study on the inter-state variations in India
N Chithra, M Selvam
SSRN, 2013
Financial performance of Indian manufacturing companies during pre and post merger
S Vanitha, M Selvam
International Research Journal of Finance and Economics 12 (2), 7-35, 2007
Factors influencing retail investors' attitude towards investing in equity stocks: A study in Tamil Nadu
E Bennet, M Selvam, G Indhumathi, RR Ramkumar, V Karpagam
Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing 7 (3), 316, 2011
Testing the semi-strong form efficiency of Indian stock market with respect to information content of stock split announcement: a study in IT industry
M Raja, JC Sudhahar, M Selvam
International Research Journal of Finance and Economics 25 (1), 7-20, 2009
Environmental Accounting and Reporting
M Selvam
Environmental auditing, 2002
Impact of mergers on the corporate performance of acquirer and target companies in India
M Selvam, M Babu, G Indhumathi, B Ebenezer
Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing 5 (11), 55, 2009
Investors' attitude on stock selection decision
SV E Bennet, M Selvam, Eva Ebenezer, V Karpagam
International Journal of Management & Business Studies 1 (2), 7-15, 2011
Service quality scale development in Indian retail banking sector: An empirical investigation
DJC Sudhahar, M Selvam
Journal of applied sciences 7 (5), 2007
Impact of firms’ profitability on environmental performance: evidence from companies in India
V Vinayagamoorthi, M Selvam, K Lingaraja
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 6 (1), 109-119, 2015
The stock market efficiency of emerging markets: Evidence from Asian region
K Lingaraja, M Selvam, V Vasanth
Asian Social Science 10 (19), 158-168, 2014
The impact of investors' sentiment on the equity market: Evidence from Indian stock market
E Bennet, M Selvam, N Vivek, EE Shalin
African Journal of Business Management 6 (32), 9317, 2012
FinTech and financial inclusion: Exploring the mediating role of digital financial literacy and the moderating influence of perceived regulatory support
MB Amnas, M Selvam, S Parayitam
Journal of Risk and Financial Management 17 (3), 108, 2024
Investor behavior and weather factors: evidences from Asian region
C Kathiravan, M Selvam, S Venkateswar, S Balakrishnan
Annals of Operations Research 299, 349-373, 2021
An empirical investigation of the inter-linkages of stock returns and the weather at the Indian stock exchange
C Kathiravan, M Selvam, S Venkateswar, K Lingaraja, SA Vasani, ...
Academy of Strategic Management Journal 17 (1), 1-14, 2018
An analysis of market efficiency in sectoral indices: A study with a special reference to Bombay Stock Exchange in India
RR Ramkumar, M Selvam, S Vanitha, J Gayathri, V Karpagam
European Journal of Scientific Research 69 (2), 290-297, 2012
Big data analytics-application of artificial neural network in forecasting stock price trends in India
MO Sigo
Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies 22 (3), 2018
Intellectual capital: Its effect on financial performance of Indian private sector banks
S Murugesan, T Vadivel, K Chinnadurai, D Dhamotharan
International journal of advanced scientific research and management 3 (11 …, 2018
Effect of temperature on stock market indices: A study on BSE and NSE in India
MO Sigo
International Journal of Economic Research, 2017
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