Prof. Dr.  A.H.Ammar
Prof. Dr. A.H.Ammar
Professor of Physics, Ain Shams University
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Factors influencing Sudanese microfinance intention to adopt mobile banking
A Ammar, EM Ahmed
Cogent Business & Management 3 (1), 1154257, 2016
The relationship between optical gap and chemical composition in SbxSe1− x system
SS Fouad, AH Ammar, M Abo-Ghazala
Physica B: Condensed Matter 229 (3-4), 249-255, 1997
Electrical conductivity, dielectric properties and optical absorption of organic based nanocrystalline sodium copper chlorophyllin for photodiode application
AAM Farag, AM Mansour, AH Ammar, MA Rafea, AM Farid
Journal of alloys and compounds 513, 404-413, 2012
Influence of X-ray irradiation on the optical properties of CoMTPP thin films
MM El-Nahass, AH Ammar, AA Atta, AAM Farag, EFM El-Zaidia
Optics Communications 284 (9), 2259-2263, 2011
Influence of substrate temperature on structural, optical properties and dielectric results of nano-ZnO thin films prepared by Radio Frequency technique
AI Ali, AH Ammar, AA Moez
Superlattices and Microstructures 65, 285-298, 2014
Optical and dielectric results of Y0. 225Sr0. 775CoO3±δ thin films studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry technique
AI Ali, JY Son, AH Ammar, AA Moez, YS Kim
Results in Physics 3, 167-172, 2013
Characterization of electrical and optical absorption of organic based methyl orange for photovoltaic application
AAM Farag, AM Mansour, AH Ammar, MA Rafea
Synthetic metals 161 (19-20), 2135-2143, 2011
Studies on some structural and optical properties of ZnxCd1− xTe thin films
AH Ammar
Applied surface science 201 (1-4), 9-19, 2002
Specialty choices of medical students and house officers in Karachi, Pakistan.
M Aslam, A Ali, T Taj, N Badar, W Mirza, A Ammar, S Muzaffar, JR Kauten
Information for authors 1, 1995
Effect of heat treatment on morphological, structural and optical properties of CoMTPP thin films
MM El-Nahass, AH Ammar, AAM Farag, AA Atta, EFM El-Zaidia
Solid state sciences 13 (3), 596-600, 2011
The presence of the antilingula and its relationship to the true lingula
MA Pogrel, BL Schmidt, A Ammar
British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 33 (4), 235-238, 1995
Optical and other physical characteristics of amorphous Ge–Se–Ag alloys
AH Ammar, AM Farid, SS Fouad
Physica B: Condensed Matter 307 (1-4), 64-71, 2001
Heat treatment effect on the structural and optical properties of AgInSe2 thin films
AH Ammar, AM Farid, MAM Seyam
Vacuum 66 (1), 27-38, 2002
Electrical and photosensing performance of heterojunction device based on organic thin film structure
AAM Farag, WG Osiris, AH Ammar, AM Mansour
Synthetic metals 175, 81-87, 2013
Electrical conductivity and dielectric measurements of CoMTPP
MM El-Nahass, AA Atta, EFM El-Zaidia, AAM Farag, AH Ammar
Materials Chemistry and Physics 143 (2), 490-494, 2014
Influence of Sb addition on the structural and optical characteristics of thermally vacuum evaporated SbxSe1− x thin films
AH Ammar, AAM Farag, MS Abo-Ghazala
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 694, 752-760, 2017
Structural and optical properties of ZnxCd1− xSe thin films
AH Ammar
Physica B: Condensed Matter 296 (4), 312-318, 2001
Distribution of submental fat in relationship to the platysma muscle
A Renaut, W Orlin, A Ammar, MA Pogrel
Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology 77 (5), 442-445, 1994
Device characterization of organic nanostructure based on sodium copper chlorophyllin (SCC)
ME Aydin, AAM Farag, M Abdel-Rafea, AH Ammar, F Yakuphanoglu
Synthetic metals 161 (23-24), 2700-2707, 2012
Structural and optical studies on ortho-hydroxy acetophenone azine thin films
AH Ammar, BA El-Sayed, EA El-Sayad
Journal of materials science 37, 3255-3260, 2002
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