Sugumaran Ramanathan
Sugumaran Ramanathan
John Deere Manager
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Spatial decision support systems: principles and practices
R Sugumaran, J Degroote
Crc Press, 2010
Integration of modified universal soil loss equation (MUSLE) into a GIS framework to assess soil erosion risk
Y Zhang, J Degroote, C Wolter, R Sugumaran
Land Degradation & Development 20 (1), 84-91, 2009
UAV docking system and method
R Sugumaran
US Patent 9,561,871, 2017
Landscape, demographic, entomological, and climatic associations with human disease incidence of West Nile virus in the state of Iowa, USA
JP DeGroote, R Sugumaran, SM Brend, BJ Tucker, LC Bartholomay
International journal of health geographics 7, 1-16, 2008
Seasonal effect on tree species classification in an urban environment using hyperspectral data, LiDAR, and an object-oriented approach
M Voss, R Sugumaran
Sensors 8 (5), 3020-3036, 2008
UAV-based sensing for worksite operations
R Sugumaran, NW Anderson, BJ Hitchler
US Patent 9,740,208, 2017
Spatio-temporal cluster analysis of county-based human West Nile virus incidence in the continental United States
R Sugumaran, SR Larson, JP DeGroote
International journal of health geographics 8, 1-19, 2009
Web-based Spatial Decision Support Systems (WebSDSS): evolution, architecture, examples and challenges
V Sugumaran, R Sugumaran
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 19 (1), 40, 2007
Classification of Iowa wetlands using an airborne hyperspectral image: a comparison of the spectral angle mapper classifier and an object-oriented approach
J Harken, R Sugumaran
Canadian Journal of remote sensing 31 (2), 167-174, 2005
A web-based environmental decision support system (WEDSS) for environmental planning and watershed management
R Sugumaran, JC Meyer, J Davis
Journal of Geographical Systems 6, 307-322, 2004
Controlling ground engaging elements based on images
R Sugumaran, NW Anderson
US Patent 10,165,725, 2019
Ecological niche modeling of potential West Nile virus vector mosquito species in Iowa
SR Larson, JP Degroot, LC Bartholomay, R Sugumaran
Journal of Insect Science 10 (1), 110, 2010
The use of high-resolution imagery for identification of urban climax forest species using traditional and rule-based classification approach
R Sugumaran, MK Pavuluri, D Zerr
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 41 (9), 1933-1939, 2003
Implementing a high school level geospatial technologies and spatial thinking course
CP Nielsen, A Oberle, R Sugumaran
Journal of Geography 110 (2), 60-69, 2011
National and regional associations between human West Nile virus incidence and demographic, landscape, and land use conditions in the coterminous United States
JP DeGroote, R Sugumaran
Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 12 (8), 657-665, 2012
Object-oriented classification of LIDAR-fused hyperspectral imagery for tree species identification in an urban environment
R Sugumaran, M Voss
2007 Urban Remote Sensing Joint Event, 1-6, 2007
LiDAR data reduction using vertex decimation and processing with GPGPU and multicore CPU technology
D Oryspayev, R Sugumaran, J DeGroote, P Gray
Computers & Geosciences 43, 118-125, 2012
Development of an agricultural land evaluation and site assessment (LESA) decision support tool using remote sensing and geographic information system
EJ Dung, R Sugumaran
Journal of soil and water conservation 60 (5), 228-235, 2005
Landscape, demographic and climatic associations with human West Nile virus occurrence regionally in 2012 in the United States of America
JP DeGroote, R Sugumaran, M Ecker
Geospatial Health 9 (1), 153, 2014
Improved urban land cover mapping using multi-temporal IKONOS images for local government planning
R Sugumaran, D Zerr, T Prato
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 28 (1), 90-95, 2002
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