Muthu P
Muthu P
Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, SRM University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Automated skin disease identification using deep learning algorithm
SK Patnaik, MS Sidhu, Y Gehlot, B Sharma, P Muthu
Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal 11 (3), 1429, 2018
SVM pixel classification on colour image segmentation
S Barui, S Latha, D Samiappan, P Muthu
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1000 (1), 012110, 2018
Discernment on assistive technology for the care and support requirements of older adults and differently-abled individuals
P Muthu, Y Tan, S Latha, S Dhanalakshmi, KW Lai, X Wu
Frontiers in public health 10, 1030656, 2023
Performance analysis of machine learning and deep learning architectures on early stroke detection using carotid artery ultrasound images
S Latha, P Muthu, KW Lai, A Khalil, S Dhanalakshmi
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 13, 828214, 2022
Fully automated integrated segmentation of carotid artery ultrasound images using DBSCAN and affinity propagation
S Latha, D Samiappan, P Muthu, R Kumar
Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering 41, 260-271, 2021
Smart access development for classifying lung disease with chest x-ray images using deep learning
P Abirami, KM Darshan, SPA Kirubha, S Latha, P Muthu
Materials Today: Proceedings 47, 76-79, 2021
Bioscaffolds impregnated with Ormocarpum cochinchinense mediated Ag nanoparticles
WP Felix, P Muthu
2016 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization …, 2016
Emerging Feature Extraction Techniques for Machine Learning‐Based Classification of Carotid Artery Ultrasound Images
S Latha, P Muthu, S Dhanalakshmi, R Kumar, KW Lai, X Wu
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2022 (1), 1847981, 2022
Structural integration and control of peerless Human-like prosthetic hand
A Dave, P Muthu, V Karthikraj, S Latha
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1000 (1), 012066, 2018
CVINet: A deep learning based model for the diagnosis of chronic venous insufficiency in lower extremity using infrared thermal images
N Krishnan, P Muthu
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 34 (2), e23004, 2024
Prediction and Estimation of Scaffold Strength with different pore size
P Muthu, S Mishra, RSS Shilpa, B Veerendranath, S Latha
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1000 (1), 012065, 2018
Automated denoised ultrasound carotid artery image segmentation using curvelet threshold decomposition
L Subbiah, D Samiappan, P Muthu
2017 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing …, 2017
Detection of chronic venous insufficiency condition using transfer learning with convolutional neural networks based on thermal images
N Krishnan, P Muthu
Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications 36 (01), 2350030, 2024
Patient Specific Coronary Stent Designing and its Computational Analysis using Ansys
M Thrinayan, S Mishra, CMN Mahesh, P Muthu
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1362 (1), 012052, 2019
Evolution of biomaterials for dental implants and futuristic developments
T Sengupta, P Muthu
2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering …, 2019
Biomedical prediction of radial size of powdered element using artificial neural network
Y Gehlot, B Sharma, P Muthu, H Muthusamy, S Latha
Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal 11 (3), 1593-1602, 2018
Iris Cryptography for Security Purpose
S Ajith, MBG Kumar, S Latha, D Samiappan, P Muthu
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1000 (1), 012111, 2018
A Review and Comparative Study of methods used in finding carotid artery abnormalities using ultrasound images
International Journal of Control Theory and Applications 9 (10), 4891-4898, 2015
Point of care device for spectroscopic analysis of human saliva sample for detection of diabetes mellitus
BN Harihar, SP Kirubha, SS Naziha, P Muthu, G Ebenezer
AIP Conference Proceedings 2405 (1), 2022
Design of Porous Structures for Scaffold Synthesis and its FEA
CHMN Mahesh, AM Devaprasad, P Muthu, T Moorthy
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1362 (1), 012053, 2019
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