Parham Haddadi
Parham Haddadi
Principal bioinformatics scientist
Patvirtintas el. paštas
The compact genome of the plant pathogen Plasmodiophora brassicae is adapted to intracellular interactions with host Brassica spp
SA Rolfe, SE Strelkov, MG Links, WE Clarke, SJ Robinson, M Djavaheri, ...
BMC genomics 17, 1-15, 2016
Leptosphaeria maculans AvrLm9: a new player in the game of hide and seek with AvrLm4‐7
K Ghanbarnia, L Ma, NJ Larkan, P Haddadi, WGD Fernando, MH Borhan
Molecular Plant Pathology 19 (7), 1754-1764, 2018
Genome‐wide transcriptomic analyses provide insights into the lifestyle transition and effector repertoire of Leptosphaeria maculans during the colonization of Brassica napus …
P Haddadi, L Ma, H Wang, MH Borhan
Molecular plant pathology 17 (8), 1196-1210, 2016
The Brassica napus wall‐associated kinase‐like (WAKL) gene Rlm9 provides race‐specific blackleg resistance
NJ Larkan, L Ma, P Haddadi, M Buchwaldt, IAP Parkin, M Djavaheri, ...
The Plant Journal 104 (4), 892-900, 2020
Genetic dissection of tocopherol and phytosterol in recombinant inbred lines of sunflower through quantitative trait locus analysis and the candidate gene approach
P Haddadi, A Ebrahimi, NB Langlade, B Yazdi-Samadi, M Berger, ...
Molecular Breeding 29, 717-729, 2012
Genetic analysis and QTL mapping of agro-morphological traits in sunflower ('Helianthus annuus' L.) under two contrasting water treatment conditions
N Abdi, R Darvishzadeh, M Jafari, A Pirzad, P Haddadi
Plant Omics 5 (2), 149-158, 2012
Genetic control of protein, oil and fatty acids content under partial drought stress and late sowing conditions in sunflower (Helianthus annuus)
P Haddadi, B Yazdi-Samadi, NB Langlade, MR Naghavi, M Berger, ...
African Journal of Biotechnology 9 (40), 6768-6782, 2010
The complex genetic architecture of shoot growth natural variation in Arabidopsis thaliana
E Marchadier, M Hanemian, S Tisné, L Bach, C Bazakos, E Gilbault, ...
PLoS genetics 15 (4), e1007954, 2019
Leptosphaeria maculans effector protein AvrLm1 modulates plant immunity by enhancing MAP kinase 9 phosphorylation
L Ma, M Djavaheri, H Wang, NJ Larkan, P Haddadi, E Beynon, G Gropp, ...
Iscience 3, 177-191, 2018
Brassica napus genes Rlm4 and Rlm7, conferring resistance to Leptosphaeria maculans, are alleles of the Rlm9 wall‐associated kinase‐like resistance locus
P Haddadi, NJ Larkan, A Van deWouw, Y Zhang, TX Neik, E Beynon, ...
Plant Biotechnology Journal 20 (7), 1229, 2022
Effects of gibberellin, abscisic acid and embryo desiccation on normal plantlet regeneration, secondary embryogenesis and callogenesis in microspore culture of Brassica napus L …
P Haddadi, A Moieni, G Karimzadeh, MR Abdollahi
Int J Plant Prod 2 (2), 153-162, 2008
Genetic analysis of partial resistance to basal stem rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) in sunflower
M Amouzadeh, R Darvishzadeh, P Haddadi, BA Mandoulakani, ...
Genetika (Belgrade) 45 (3), 737-748, 2013
Quantitative trait loci associated with isolate specific and isolate non-specific partial resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in sunflower
M Amoozadeh, R Darvishzadeh, R Davar, MB ABDOLLAHI, P Haddadi, ...
AMIRKABIR 17 (1), 213-226, 2015
Two independent approaches converge to the cloning of a new Leptosphaeria maculans avirulence effector gene, AvrLmS‐Lep2
TX Neik, K Ghanbarnia, B Ollivier, A Scheben, A Severn‐Ellis, NJ Larkan, ...
Molecular Plant Pathology 23 (5), 733, 2022
Transcriptome Analysis of Rlm2-Mediated Host Immunity in the Brassica napusLeptosphaeria maculans Pathosystem
MG Becker, P Haddadi, J Wan, L Adam, P Walker, NJ Larkan, F Daayf, ...
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 32 (8), 1001-1012, 2019
Dissecting R gene and host genetic background effect on the Brassica napus defense response to Leptosphaeria maculans
P Haddadi, NJ Larkan, MH Borhan
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 6947, 2019
QTL analysis of agronomic traits in recombinant inbred lines of sunflower under partial irrigation
P Haddadi, B Yazdi-Samadi, MR Naghavi, A Kalantari, P Maury, A Sarrafi
Plant Biotechnology Reports 5, 135-146, 2011
Genome sequence of the potato pathogenic fungus Alternaria solani HWC-168 reveals clues for its conidiation and virulence
D Zhang, JY He, P Haddadi, JH Zhu, ZH Yang, L Ma
BMC microbiology 18, 1-13, 2018
Genomic evidence for genes encoding leucine-rich repeat receptors linked to resistance against the eukaryotic extra-and intracellular Brassica napus pathogens Leptosphaeria …
HU Stotz, PJ Harvey, P Haddadi, A Mashanova, A Kukol, NJ Larkan, ...
PLoS One 13 (6), e0198201, 2018
Identification of quantitative trait loci for relative water content and chlorophyll concentration traits in recombinant inbred lines of sunflower ([i] Helianthus annuus [/i] L …
NN Abdi, RR Darvishzadeh, HHH Maleki, PH Haddadi, AA Sarrafi
Zemdirbyste-Agriculture 100 (2), 159-166, 2013
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