Lei Xie
Lei Xie
Patvirtintas el. paštas
How servant leadership and self-efficacy interact to affect service quality in the hospitality industry: A polynomial regression with response surface analysis
S Qiu, LM Dooley, L Xie
Tourism Management 78, 104051, 2020
Leadership and organizational learning culture: a systematic literature review
L Xie
European journal of training and development 43 (1/2), 76-104, 2019
The impact of servant leadership and transformational leadership on learning organization: a comparative analysis
L Xie
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 41 (2), 220-236, 2020
Flow in work teams: The role of emotional regulation, voice, and team mindfulness
L Xie
Current Psychology, 1-11, 2021
Talent Management and Development in the United Arab Emirates
L Dirani, K. M., Bowman, E., Guyer, T., Kasper, R., Makarem, Y., Ray, S ...
Advances in Developing Human Resources 20 (4), 479-497, 2019
Learning culture in a Chinese SME: the unique role of work-family enrichment
L Xie, KM Dirani, M Beyerlein, S Qiu
European Journal of Training and Development, 2019
The effects of job involvement and supervisor developmental feedback on employee creativity: A polynomial regression with response surface analysis
G Li, L Xie
Current Psychology 42 (20), 17120-17131, 2023
Shared leadership and team creativity: a team level mixed-methods study
L Xie, SJ Han, M Beyerlein, J Lu, L Vukin, R Boehm
Team Performance Management: An International Journal 27 (7/8), 505-523, 2021
Knowledge sharing and human resource development in innovative organizations
M Beyerlein, R Collins, S Jeong, C Phillips, S Sunalai, L Xie
Knowledge Management Strategies and Applications 48, 25-45, 2017
Emotional Intelligence, Voice, and Flow: A Team-Level Study of Work Teams
L Xie, CN Chang, S Singh
Team Performance Management: An International Journal, 2021
The effects of ethical leadership on creativity: A conservation of resources perspective
G Li, L Li, L Xie, OS Lopez
Current Psychology 43 (6), 1-11, 2024
A 30-Year Collaboration of Victoria Marsick and Karen Watkins: Learning in the Workplace
M Beyerlein, KM Dirani, L Xie
The Palgrave Handbook of Organizational Change Thinkers, 1-20, 2017
The influence of altruistic leadership behavior and learning culture on work–family relationship in Chinese SMEs
L Xie, S Qiu, MJG Biggs
Industrial and Commercial Training 54 (1), 64-78, 2022
The curvilinear relationship between servant leadership and work-family conflict: the moderating role of age in Chinese female workers
L Xie, S Qiu, X Bian
Industrial and Commercial Training 53 (3), 294-309, 2021
A systematic literature review of foreign MNCs’ knowledge transfer in China
L Xie, Y Niu
Asia Pacific Business Review 27 (5), 710-730, 2021
The dark side of creativity: Its connection to work-family conflict
L Xie, G Li
Community, Work & Family 27 (3), 269-285, 2024
A temporal model of team mentoring: a grounded theory approach
L Xie, A Kogut, M Beyerlein, R Boehm
European Journal of Engineering Education, 2021
Teamwork in Virtual World-Impact of “Virtual Team” on Team Dynamic
B Mai, B Garcia, L Xie, OP McCubbins, J Seo
HCI in Business, Government and Organizations: 7th International Conference …, 2020
Examining the mediating role of team growth mindset on the relationship of individual mindsets and shared leadership
SJ Han, L Xie, M Beyerlein, R Boehm
European Journal of Training and Development 48 (1/2), 234-252, 2022
Warehouse workforce preparedness in the wake of Industry 4.0: A systematic literature review
L Xie, M Natarajarathinam, M Johnson
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, 2020
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