Zohra Sbaï
Zohra Sbaï
Assistant Professor, ENIT UTM, CCES PSAU
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Workflow soundness verification based on structure theory of Petri nets
K Barkaoui, RB Ayed, Z Sbai
International Journal of Computing and Information Sciences 5 (1), 51-61, 2007
Deep learning approaches for intrusion detection in IIoT networks–opportunities and future directions
T Vaiyapuri, Z Sbai, H Alaskar, NA Alaseem
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 12 (4), 2021
On the verification of business processes by model checking techniques
Z Sbaï, A Missaoui, K Barkaoui, RB Ayed
2010 2nd International Conference on Software Technology and Engineering 1 …, 2010
Deep learning approaches for automatic localization in medical images
H Alaskar, A Hussain, B Almaslukh, T Vaiyapuri, Z Sbai, AK Dubey
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2022 (1), 6347307, 2022
Intelligent techniques for deception detection: a survey and critical study
H Alaskar, Z Sbaï, W Khan, A Hussain, A Alrawais
Soft Computing 27 (7), 3581-3600, 2023
GA-based multi-objective optimization technique for medical image denoising in wavelet domain
T Vaiyapuri, H Alaskar, Z Sbai, S Devi
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 41 (1), 1575-1588, 2021
Computational Intelligence‐Based Melanoma Detection and Classification Using Dermoscopic Images
T Vaiyapuri, P Balaji, S S, H Alaskar, Z Sbai
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2022 (1), 2370190, 2022
A data science approach for reliable classification of neuro-degenerative diseases using gait patterns
H Alaskar, AJ Hussain, W Khan, H Tawfik, P Trevorrow, P Liatsis, Z Sbaï
Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments 6, 233-247, 2020
Metaheuristics with federated learning enabled intrusion detection system in Internet of Things environment
T Vaiyapuri, S Algamdi, R John, Z Sbai, M Al‐Helal, A Alkhayyat, D Gupta
Expert Systems 40 (5), e13138, 2023
Compatibility Analysis of Time Open Workflow Nets.
Z Sbaï, K Barkaoui, H Boucheneb
PNSE@ Petri Nets, 249-268, 2014
Towards a system for cloud service discovery and composition based on ontology
R Guerfel, Z Sbaï, RB Ayed
Computational Collective Intelligence: 7th International Conference, ICCCI …, 2015
CTL model checking of web services composition based on open workflow nets modeling
Z Sbaï, R Guerfel
International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and …, 2016
Dates fruit classification using convolution neural networks
H Alaskar, S Alhewaidi, B Obaid, G Alzahrani, A Abdulahi, Z Sbai, ...
Proceedings of Sixth International Congress on Information and Communication …, 2022
V\'erification Formelle des Processus Workflow Collaboratifs
Z Sbaï, K Barkaoui
arXiv preprint arXiv:1306.4308, 2013
On the Use of Similarity or Query Languages in Cloud Discovery Based on Ontology
R Guerfel, Z Sbaï, RB Ayed
International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and …, 2017
Modeling and formal verification framework of web services composition
R Guerfel, Z Sbaï, K Barkaoui
Int. Conf. Control Eng. Inf. Technol.(CEIT 2013) 2, 140-145, 2013
Vérification formelle des processus workflow: Extension aux workflows inter-organisationnels
Z Sbaï, K Barkaoui
Ingénierie des systèmes d'information (2001) 18 (5), 33-57, 2013
Contribution à la modélisation et à la vérification de processus workflow
Z Sbaï
Conservatoire national des arts et metiers-CNAM; École nationale d …, 2010
On Expressiveness of TCTL for Model Checking Distributed Systems
N Jbeli, Z Sbaï, RB Ayed
International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence, 323-332, 2016
On service composition in cloud computing: a survey and an ongoing architecture
R Guerfel, Z Sbai, RB Ayed
2014 IEEE 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and …, 2014
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