Robert Jernigan
Robert Jernigan
Curtiss Distinguished Professor in Biochemistry, Biophysics & Molecular Biology, Iowa State
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Estimation of effective interresidue contact energies from protein crystal structures: quasi-chemical approximation
S Miyazawa, RL Jernigan
Macromolecules 18 (3), 534-552, 1985
Anisotropy of fluctuation dynamics of proteins with an elastic network model
AR Atilgan, SR Durell, RL Jernigan, MC Demirel, O Keskin, I Bahar
Biophysical journal 80 (1), 505-515, 2001
Residue–residue potentials with a favorable contact pair term and an unfavorable high packing density term, for simulation and threading
S Miyazawa, RL Jernigan
Journal of molecular biology 256 (3), 623-644, 1996
Conformational energies of n-alkanes and the random configuration of higher homologs including polymethylene
A Abe, RL Jernigan, PJ Flory
Journal of the American Chemical Society 88 (4), 631-639, 1966
A role for surface hydrophobicity in protein‐protein recognition
L Young, RL Jernigan, DG Covell
Protein Science 3 (5), 717-729, 1994
Inter-residue potentials in globular proteins and the dominance of highly specific hydrophilic interactions at close separation
I Bahar, RL Jernigan
Journal of molecular biology 266 (1), 195-214, 1997
Global ribosome motions revealed with elastic network model
Y Wang, AJ Rader, I Bahar, RL Jernigan
Journal of structural biology 147 (3), 302-314, 2004
Structure-derived potentials and protein simulations
RL Jernigan, I Bahar
Current opinion in structural biology 6 (2), 195-209, 1996
Conformations of folded proteins in restricted spaces
DG Covell, RL Jernigan
Biochemistry 29 (13), 3287-3294, 1990
Protein elastic network models and the ranges of cooperativity
L Yang, G Song, RL Jernigan
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (30), 12347-12352, 2009
Dynamics of large proteins through hierarchical levels of coarse‐grained structures
P Doruker, RL Jernigan, I Bahar
Journal of computational chemistry 23 (1), 119-127, 2002
Collective motions in HIV-1 reverse transcriptase: examination of flexibility and enzyme function
I Bahar, B Erman, RL Jernigan, AR Atilgan, DG Covell
Journal of molecular biology 285 (3), 1023-1037, 1999
Crystal structures of the CusA efflux pump suggest methionine-mediated metal transport
F Long, CC Su, MT Zimmermann, SE Boyken, KR Rajashankar, ...
Nature 467 (7314), 484-488, 2010
GOR V server for protein secondary structure prediction
TZ Sen, RL Jernigan, J Garnier, A Kloczkowski
Bioinformatics 21 (11), 2787-2788, 2005
How well can we understand large-scale protein motions using normal modes of elastic network models?
L Yang, G Song, RL Jernigan
Biophysical journal 93 (3), 920-929, 2007
Crystal structure of the CusBA heavy-metal efflux complex of Escherichia coli
CC Su, F Long, MT Zimmermann, KR Rajashankar, RL Jernigan, EW Yu
Nature 470 (7335), 558-562, 2011
Coagulation factors V and VIII and ceruloplasmin constitute a family of structurally related proteins.
WR Church, RL Jernigan, J Toole, RM Hewick, J Knopf, GJ Knutson, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 81 (22), 6934-6937, 1984
RNABindR: a server for analyzing and predicting RNA-binding sites in proteins
M Terribilini, JD Sander, JH Lee, P Zaback, RL Jernigan, V Honavar, ...
Nucleic acids research 35 (suppl_2), W578-W584, 2007
Characterization of protein–protein interfaces
C Yan, F Wu, RL Jernigan, D Dobbs, V Honavar
The protein journal 27, 59-70, 2008
Self‐consistent estimation of inter‐residue protein contact energies based on an equilibrium mixture approximation of residues
S Miyazawa, RL Jernigan
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 34 (1), 49-68, 1999
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