Sakari Sarkkola
Sakari Sarkkola
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Role of tree stand evapotranspiration in maintaining satisfactory drainage conditions in drained peatlands
S Sarkkola, H Hökkä, H Koivusalo, M Nieminen, E Ahti, J Päivänen, ...
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40 (8), 1485-1496, 2010
Trends in hydrometeorological conditions and stream water organic carbon in boreal forested catchments
S Sarkkola, H Koivusalo, A Laurén, P Kortelainen, T Mattsson, ...
Science of the Total Environment 408 (1), 92-101, 2009
Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in discharge from drained peatland forests are increasing
M Nieminen, T Sallantaus, L Ukonmaanaho, TM Nieminen, S Sarkkola
Science of the Total Environment 609, 974-981, 2017
Iron concentrations are increasing in surface waters from forested headwater catchments in eastern Finland
S Sarkkola, M Nieminen, H Koivusalo, A Laurén, P Kortelainen, ...
Science of the Total Environment 463, 683-689, 2013
Could continuous cover forestry be an economically and environmentally feasible management option on drained boreal peatlands?
M Nieminen, H Hökkä, R Laiho, A Juutinen, A Ahtikoski, M Pearson, ...
Forest ecology and management 424, 78-84, 2018
Export of suspended solids and dissolved elements from peatland areas after ditch network maintenance in south-central Finland
M Nieminen, E Ahti, H Koivusalo, T Mattsson, S Sarkkola, A Laurén
Finnish Society of Forest Science, 2010
Drainage for forestry increases N, P and TOC export to boreal surface waters
L Finér, A Lepistö, K Karlsson, A Räike, L Härkönen, M Huttunen, ...
Science of the Total Environment 762, 144098, 2021
Greenhouse gas and energy fluxes in a boreal peatland forest after clear-cutting
M Korkiakoski, JP Tuovinen, T Penttilä, S Sarkkola, P Ojanen, ...
Biogeosciences 16 (19), 3703-3723, 2019
Restoration of nutrient-rich forestry-drained peatlands poses a risk for high exports of dissolved organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus
M Koskinen, T Tahvanainen, S Sarkkola, MW Menberu, A Laurén, ...
Science of the Total Environment 586, 858-869, 2017
Promising native tree species for reforestation of degraded tropical peatlands
M Lampela, J Jauhiainen, S Sarkkola, H Vasander
Forest Ecology and Management 394, 52-63, 2017
Lakkasuo: a guide to mire ecosystem.
J Laine, VM Komulainen, R Laiho, K Minkkinen, A Rasinmäki, ...
Dissolved organic carbon export from harvested peatland forests with differing site characteristics
M Nieminen, M Koskinen, S Sarkkola, A Laurén, A Kaila, O Kiikkilä, ...
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 226, 1-12, 2015
Selection cuttings as a tool to control water table level in boreal drained peatland forests
K Leppä, H Hökkä, R Laiho, S Launiainen, A Lehtonen, R Mäkipää, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 576510, 2020
A synthesis of the impacts of ditch network maintenance on the quantity and quality of runoff from drained boreal peatland forests
M Nieminen, M Palviainen, S Sarkkola, A Laurén, H Marttila, L Finér
Ambio 47, 523-534, 2018
Impacts of forest harvesting on nutrient, sediment and dissolved organic carbon exports from drained peatlands: A literature review, synthesis and suggestions for the future
M Nieminen, S Sarkkola, A Laurén
Forest ecology and management 392, 13-20, 2017
Phosphorus export from drained Scots pine mires after clear-felling and bioenergy harvesting
A Kaila, S Sarkkola, A Laurén, L Ukonmaanaho, H Koivusalo, L Xiao, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 325, 99-107, 2014
Increasing and decreasing nitrogen and phosphorus trends in runoff from drained peatland forests—is there a legacy effect of drainage or not?
M Nieminen, S Sarkkola, S Hellsten, H Marttila, S Piirainen, T Sallantaus, ...
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 229, 1-10, 2018
Peatland drainage-a missing link behind increasing TOC concentrations in waters from high latitude forest catchments?
M Nieminen, S Sarkkola, T Sallantaus, EM Hasselquist, H Laudon
Science of the Total Environment 774, 145150, 2021
Domination of growing-season evapotranspiration over runoff makes ditch network maintenance in mature peatland forests questionable
S Sarkkola, M Nieminen, H Koivusalo, A Laurén, E Ahti, S Launiainen, ...
Mires and peat 11, 02, 2013
Metsäisten valuma-alueiden vesistökuormituksen laskenta
L Finér, T Mattsson, S Joensuu, H Koivusalo, A Laurén, T Makkonen, ...
Suomen ympäristö 10 (2010), 1-33, 2010
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
Straipsniai 1–20