Thibaud Senechal
Thibaud Senechal
Research scientist, Amazon
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Affectiva-mit facial expression dataset (am-fed): Naturalistic and spontaneous facial expressions collected
D McDuff, R Kaliouby, T Senechal, M Amr, J Cohn, R Picard
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2013
Facial action recognition combining heterogeneous features via multikernel learning
T Senechal, V Rapp, H Salam, R Seguier, K Bailly, L Prevost
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 42 …, 2012
Facial action unit detection using active learning and an efficient non-linear kernel approximation
T Senechal, D McDuff, R Kaliouby
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2015
Combining AAM coefficients with LGBP histograms in the multi-kernel SVM framework to detect facial action units
T Senechal, V Rapp, H Salam, R Seguier, K Bailly, L Prevost
2011 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition …, 2011
Automatic measurement of ad preferences from facial responses gathered over the internet
D McDuff, R El Kaliouby, T Senechal, D Demirdjian, R Picard
Image and Vision Computing 32 (10), 630-640, 2014
Multiple kernel learning svm and statistical validation for facial landmark detection
V Rapp, T Senechal, K Bailly, L Prevost
2011 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition …, 2011
Smile or smirk? automatic detection of spontaneous asymmetric smiles to understand viewer experience
T Sénéchal, J Turcot, R El Kaliouby
2013 10th IEEE international conference and workshops on automatic face and …, 2013
Accurate detection of wake word start and end using a CNN
C Jose, Y Mishchenko, T Senechal, A Shah, A Escott, S Vitaladevuni
arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.03790, 2020
From dials to facial coding: Automated detection of spontaneous facial expressions for media research
E Kodra, T Senechal, D McDuff, R El Kaliouby
2013 10th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Automatic Face and …, 2013
Facial tracking with classifiers
T Senechal, R El Kaliouby, PJ Turcot
US Patent 10,614,289, 2020
Impact of action unit detection in automatic emotion recognition
T Senechal, K Bailly, L Prevost
Pattern Analysis and Applications 17, 51-67, 2014
Facial analysis to detect asymmetric expressions
T Senechal, R El Kaliouby
US Patent 10,108,852, 2018
Facial feature tracking for emotional dynamic analysis
T Senechal, V Rapp, L Prevost
International Conference on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems …, 2011
Mental state analysis using blink rate
T Senechal, R El Kaliouby, N Haering
US Patent 9,723,992, 2017
Automatic facial action detection using histogram variation between emotional states
T Senechal, K Bailly, L Prevost
2010 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 3752-3755, 2010
Vehicular in-cabin facial tracking using machine learning
T Senechal, R El Kaliouby, PJ Turcot, MEAA Mohamed
US Patent 11,935,281, 2024
Collection of affect data from multiple mobile devices
R El Kaliouby, DA Bender, E Kodra, OE Nowak, RS Sadowsky, ...
US Patent 9,934,425, 2018
Text detection using features associated with neighboring glyph pairs
T Senechal, Q Wang, DM Willenson, S Wu, Y Liu, SNP Vitaladevuni, ...
US Patent 9,367,736, 2016
Rana El Kaliouby, Thibaud Senechal, David Demirdjian, and Rosalind Picard. 2014. Automatic measurement of ad preferences from facial responses gathered over the Internet
D McDuff
Image and Vision Computing 32 (10), 630-640, 2014
Neural network cascade for facial feature localization
T Senechal, L Prevost, SM Hanif
Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition: 4th IAPR TC3 Workshop …, 2010
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