David Stroupe
Proposing a core set of instructional practices and tools for teachers of science
M Windschitl, J Thompson, M Braaten, D Stroupe
Science education 96 (5), 878-903, 2012
Examining classroom science practice communities: How teachers and students negotiate epistemic agency and learn science‐as‐practice
D Stroupe
Science Education 98 (3), 487-516, 2014
Addressing the epistemic elephant in the room: Epistemic agency and the next generation science standards
E Miller, E Manz, R Russ, D Stroupe, L Berland
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 55 (7), 1053-1075, 2018
Designing, launching, and implementing high quality learning opportunities for students that advance scientific thinking
H Kang, M Windschitl, D Stroupe, J Thompson
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 53 (9), 1316-1340, 2016
Describing “science practice” in learning settings
D Stroupe
Science Education 99 (6), 1033-1040, 2015
Rigor and responsiveness in classroom activity
J Thompson, S Hagenah, H Kang, D Stroupe, M Braaten, C Colley, ...
Teachers College Record 118 (5), 1-58, 2016
The Three-Story Challenge: Implications of the Next Generation Science Standards for Teacher Preparation
MA Windschitl, D Stroupe
Journal of Teacher Education 68 (3), 251-261, 2017
Fostering students’ epistemic agency through the co‐configuration of moth research
D Stroupe, MD Caballero, P White
Science Education 102 (6), 1176-1200, 2018
“It’s 1000 degrees in here when I teach”: Providing preservice teachers with an extended opportunity to approximate ambitious instruction
D Stroupe, AW Gotwals
Journal of Teacher Education 69 (3), 294-306, 2018
Introduction to special issue: Epistemic tools in science education
D Stroupe, J Moon, S Michaels
Science Education 103 (4), 948-951, 2019
Beginning teachers' use of resources to enact and learn from ambitious instruction
D Stroupe
Cognition and Instruction 34 (1), 51-77, 2016
What you find depends on how you see: Examining asset and deficit perspectives of preservice science teachers’ knowledge and learning
R Gray, S McDonald, D Stroupe
Studies in Science Education 58 (1), 49-80, 2022
Teacher education and teaching in the present political landscape: Promoting educational equity through critical inquiry and research
DJC Andrews, G Richmond, D Stroupe
Journal of Teacher Education 68 (2), 121-124, 2017
Racial hierarchy and masculine space: Participatory in/equity in computational physics classrooms
N Shah, JA Christensen, NA Ortiz, AK Nguyen, S Byun, D Stroupe, ...
Computer Science Education 30 (3), 254-278, 2020
Ambitious teachers’ design and use of classrooms as a place of science
D Stroupe
Science Education 101 (3), 458-485, 2017
Preparing Science Teachers through Practice-Based Teacher Education.
D Stroupe, K Hammerness, S McDonald
Harvard Education Press, 2020
Naming and disrupting epistemic injustice across curated sites of learning
D Stroupe
Journal of the Learning Sciences 31 (2), 317-334, 2022
Supporting ambitious instruction by beginning teachers with specialized tools and practices
D Stroupe, M Windschitl
Newly hired teachers of science: A better beginning, 181-196, 2015
Leaving the laboratory: Using field science to disrupt and expand historically enduring narratives of science teaching and learning
D Stroupe, HB Carlone
Science & Education, 1-29, 2022
Sharing a vision, sharing practices: How communities of educators improve teaching
M Windschitl, J Thompson, M Braaten, D Stroupe
Remedial and Special Education 40 (6), 380-390, 2019
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