Dirk Lehmhus
Dirk Lehmhus
Senior Researcher, Fraunhofer IFAM - Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced
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Properties of heat-treated aluminium foams
D Lehmhus, J Banhart
Materials Science and Engineering: A 349 (1-2), 98-110, 2003
An experimental study on the thermal conductivity of aluminium foams by using the transient plane source method
E Solórzano, JA Reglero, MA Rodríguez-Pérez, D Lehmhus, M Wichmann, ...
International journal of heat and mass transfer 51 (25-26), 6259-6267, 2008
Numerical and experimental design of graded cellular sandwich cores for multi-functional aerospace applications
J Hohe, V Hardenacke, V Fascio, Y Girard, J Baumeister, K Stöbener, ...
Materials & Design 39, 20-32, 2012
Customized smartness: a survey on links between additive manufacturing and sensor integration
D Lehmhus, C Aumund-Kopp, F Petzoldt, D Godlinski, A Haberkorn, ...
Procedia Technology 26, 284-301, 2016
From stochastic foam to designed structure: Balancing cost and performance of cellular metals
D Lehmhus, M Vesenjak, S De Schampheleire, T Fiedler
Materials 10 (8), 922, 2017
Dynamic mechanical behavior of syntactic iron foams with glass microspheres
L Peroni, M Scapin, M Avalle, J Weise, D Lehmhus
Materials Science and Engineering: A 552, 364-375, 2012
Effect of ceramic particle addition on the foaming behavior, cell structure and mechanical properties of P/M AlSi7 foam
S Esmaeelzadeh, A Simchi, D Lehmhus
Materials Science and Engineering: A 424 (1-2), 290-299, 2006
Cloud-based automated design and additive manufacturing: a usage data-enabled paradigm shift
D Lehmhus, T Wuest, S Wellsandt, S Bosse, T Kaihara, KD Thoben, ...
Sensors 15 (12), 32079-32122, 2015
Quasi-static and high strain rates compressive response of iron and Invar matrix syntactic foams
DD Luong, VC Shunmugasamy, N Gupta, D Lehmhus, J Weise, ...
Materials & design 66, 516-531, 2015
Structural materials and processes in transportation
D Lehmhus, M Busse, A Herrmann, K Kayvantash
John Wiley & Sons, 2013
Tailoring titanium hydride decomposition kinetics by annealing in various atmospheres
D Lehmhus, G Rausch
Advanced engineering materials 6 (5), 313-330, 2004
Investigation of the mechanical behaviour of AISI 316L stainless steel syntactic foams at different strain-rates
L Peroni, M Scapin, C Fichera, D Lehmhus, J Weise, J Baumeister, ...
Composites Part B: Engineering 66, 430-442, 2014
From embedded sensors to sensorial materials—The road to function scale integration
W Lang, F Jakobs, E Tolstosheeva, H Sturm, A Ibragimov, A Kesel, ...
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 171 (1), 3-11, 2011
Carbonates as foaming agent in chip-based aluminium foam precursor
M Haesche, D Lehmhus, J Weise, M Wichmann, ICM Mocellin
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 26 (9), 845-850, 2010
Aluminum foam-polymer hybrid structures (APM aluminum foam) in compression testing
K Stöbener, D Lehmhus, M Avalle, L Peroni, M Busse
International Journal of Solids and Structures 45 (21), 5627-5641, 2008
Influence of heat treatment on compression fatigue of aluminium foams
D Lehmhus, C Marschner, J Banhart, H Bomas
Journal of materials science 37, 3447-3451, 2002
Potential new matrix alloys for production of PM aluminium foams
D Lehmhus, M Busse
Advanced Engineering Materials 6 (6), 391-396, 2004
Production and properties of 316 L stainless steel cellular materials and syntactic foams
J Weise, D Lehmhus, J Baumeister, R Kun, M Bayoumi, M Busse
Steel research international 85 (3), 486-497, 2014
Quasi-static and dynamic mechanical performance of glass microsphere-and cenosphere-based 316L syntactic foams
D Lehmhus, J Weise, J Baumeister, L Peroni, M Scapin, C Fichera, ...
Procedia Materials Science 4, 383-387, 2014
Syntactic Iron Foams–On Deformation Mechanisms and Strain‐Rate Dependence of Compressive Properties
L Peroni, M Scapin, M Avalle, J Weise, D Lehmhus, J Baumeister, ...
Advanced engineering materials 14 (10), 909-918, 2012
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