Chenguang Sun
Chenguang Sun
Jackson School of Geosciences, Dept. Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Texas at Austin
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Geochemical and Sr–Nd–Pb–O isotopic compositions of the post-collisional ultrapotassic magmatism in SW Tibet: petrogenesis and implications for India intra-continental …
Z Zhao, X Mo, Y Dilek, Y Niu, DJ DePaolo, P Robinson, D Zhu, C Sun, ...
Lithos 113 (1-2), 190-212, 2009
Postcollisional potassic and ultrapotassic rocks in southern Tibet: Mantle and crustal origins in response to India–Asia collision and convergence
D Liu, Z Zhao, DC Zhu, Y Niu, DJ DePaolo, TM Harrison, X Mo, G Dong, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 143, 207-231, 2014
Distribution of REE between clinopyroxene and basaltic melt along a mantle adiabat: effects of major element composition, water, and temperature
C Sun, Y Liang
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 163 (5), 807-823, 2012
A REE-in-Two-Pyroxene Thermometer for Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks
Y Liang, C Sun, L Yao
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 102, 246-260, 2013
Trace element partitioning between plagioclase and silicate melt: The importance of temperature and plagioclase composition, with implications for terrestrial and lunar magmatism
C Sun, M Graff, Y Liang
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 206, 273-295, 2017
An assessment of subsolidus re-equilibration on REE distribution among mantle minerals olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and garnet in peridotites
C Sun, Y Liang
Chemical Geology 372, 80-91, 2014
A parameterized model for REE distribution between low-Ca pyroxene and basaltic melts with applications to REE partitioning in low-Ca pyroxene along a mantle adiabat and during …
L Yao, C Sun, Y Liang
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 164 (2), 261-280, 2012
Delivery of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur to the silicate Earth by a giant impact
DS Grewal, R Dasgupta, C Sun, K Tsuno, G Costin
Science Advances 5 (1), eaau3669, 2019
The importance of crystal chemistry on REE partitioning between mantle minerals (garnet, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, and olivine) and basaltic melts
C Sun, Y Liang
Chemical Geology 358, 23-36, 2013
A REE-in-garnet–clinopyroxene thermobarometer for eclogites, granulites and garnet peridotites
C Sun, Y Liang
Chemical Geology 393, 79-92, 2015
Slab–mantle interaction, carbon transport, and kimberlite generation in the deep upper mantle
C Sun, R Dasgupta
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 506, 38-52, 2019
Zircon U–Pb geochronology of Zenong Group volcanic rocks in Coqen area of the Gangdese, Tibet and tectonic significance
DC Zhu, XX Mo, ZD Zhao, JF Xu, CG Sun, CY Zhou, LQ Wang, HH Chen, ...
Acta Petrologica Sinica 24 (3), 401-412, 2008
A REE-in-plagioclase–clinopyroxene thermometer for crustal rocks
C Sun, Y Liang
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 172 (4), 24, 2017
Parameterized lattice strain models for REE partitioning between amphibole and silicate melt
K Shimizu, Y Liang, C Sun, CRM Jackson, AE Saal
American Mineralogist: Journal of Earth and Planetary Materials 102 (11 …, 2017
Distribution of REE and HFSE between low-Ca pyroxene and lunar picritic melts around multiple saturation points
C Sun, Y Liang
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 119 (15), 340-358, 2013
An experimental study of trace element partitioning between augite and Fe-rich basalts
N Dygert, Y Liang, C Sun, P Hess
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 132, 170-186, 2014
Enriched mantle source and petrogenesis of Sailipu ultrapotassic rocks in southwestern Tibetan Plateau: constraints from zircon U–Pb geochronology and Hf isotopic compositions
CG Sun, ZD Zhao, XX Mo, DC Zhu, GC Dong, S Zhou, HH Chen, LW Xie, ...
Acta Petrologica Sinica 24 (2), 249-264, 2008
Thermobarometry of CO2-rich, silica-undersaturated melts constrains cratonic lithosphere thinning through time in areas of kimberlitic magmatism
C Sun, R Dasgupta
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 550, 116549, 2020
Formation of fast-spreading lower oceanic crust as revealed by a new Mg–REE coupled geospeedometer
C Sun, CJ Lissenberg
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 487, 165-178, 2018
Mantle xenoliths in southern Tibet: Geochemistry and constraints for the nature of the mantle
ZD Zhao, XX Mo, CG Sun, DC Zhu, YL Niu, GC Dong, S Zhou, X Dong, ...
Acta Petrolei Sinica 24, 193-202, 2008
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