Christopher Morrison
Christopher Morrison
Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, Columbia University
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
The enduring impact of historical and structural racism on urban violence in Philadelphia
SF Jacoby, B Dong, JH Beard, DJ Wiebe, CN Morrison
Social science & medicine 199, 87-95, 2018
Epidemiologic trends in fatal and nonfatal firearm injuries in the US, 2009-2017
EJ Kaufman, DJ Wiebe, RA Xiong, CN Morrison, MJ Seamon, ...
JAMA internal medicine 181 (2), 237-244, 2021
Quantifying disparities in urban firearm violence by race and place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: a cartographic study
JH Beard, CN Morrison, SF Jacoby, B Dong, R Smith, CA Sims, DJ Wiebe
American journal of public health 107 (3), 371-373, 2017
State firearm laws and interstate firearm deaths from homicide and suicide in the United States: a cross-sectional analysis of data by county
EJ Kaufman, CN Morrison, CC Branas, DJ Wiebe
JAMA internal medicine 178 (5), 692-700, 2018
On-road bicycle lane types, roadway characteristics, and risks for bicycle crashes
CN Morrison, J Thompson, MC Kondo, B Beck
Accident Analysis & Prevention 123, 123-131, 2019
Ridesharing and motor vehicle crashes in 4 US cities: an interrupted time-series analysis
CN Morrison, SF Jacoby, B Dong, MK Delgado, DJ Wiebe
American journal of epidemiology 187 (2), 224-232, 2018
A global analysis of urban design types and road transport injury: an image processing study
J Thompson, M Stevenson, JS Wijnands, KA Nice, GDPA Aschwanden, ...
The Lancet Planetary Health 4 (1), e32-e42, 2020
Where do bike lanes work best? A Bayesian spatial model of bicycle lanes and bicycle crashes
MC Kondo, C Morrison, E Guerra, EJ Kaufman, DJ Wiebe
Safety science 103, 225-233, 2018
Places and social contexts associated with simultaneous use of alcohol, tobacco and marijuana among young adults
S Lipperman‐Kreda, MJ Paschall, S Robert F, CN Morrison
Drug and alcohol review 37 (2), 188-195, 2018
COVID-19 testing, case, and death rates and spatial socio-demographics in New York City: An ecological analysis as of June 2020
B Kim, AG Rundle, ATS Goodwin, CN Morrison, CC Branas, W El-Sadr, ...
Health & place 68, 102539, 2021
Blight abatement of vacant land and crime in New Orleans
MC Kondo, C Morrison, SF Jacoby, L Elliott, A Poche, KP Theall, ...
Public Health Reports 133 (6), 650-657, 2018
Relating off‐premises alcohol outlet density to intentional and unintentional injuries
C Morrison, K Smith, PJ Gruenewald, WR Ponicki, JP Lee, P Cameron
Addiction 111 (1), 56-64, 2016
Youth activity spaces and daily exposure to tobacco outlets
S Lipperman-Kreda, C Morrison, JW Grube, A Gaidus
Health & place 34, 30-33, 2015
Association of environmental indicators with teen alcohol use and problem behavior: Teens' observations vs. objectively-measured indicators
HF Byrnes, BA Miller, CN Morrison, DJ Wiebe, M Woychik, SE Wiehe
Health & place 43, 151-157, 2017
Spatial relationships between alcohol-related road crashes and retail alcohol availability
C Morrison, WR Ponicki, PJ Gruenewald, DJ Wiebe, K Smith
Drug and alcohol dependence 162, 241-244, 2016
Historical redlining and the epidemiology of present-day firearm violence in the United States: a multi-city analysis
CA Mehranbod, AN Gobaud, SF Jacoby, M Uzzi, BR Bushover, ...
Preventive medicine 165, 107207, 2022
Changes in shooting incidence in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, between March and November 2020
JH Beard, SF Jacoby, Z Maher, B Dong, EJ Kaufman, AJ Goldberg, ...
Jama 325 (13), 1327-1328, 2021
Tracking adolescents with global positioning system-enabled cell phones to study contextual exposures and alcohol and marijuana use: a pilot study
HF Byrnes, BA Miller, DJ Wiebe, CN Morrison, LG Remer, SE Wiehe
Journal of Adolescent Health 57 (2), 245-247, 2015
Socioeconomic determinants of exposure to alcohol outlets
C Morrison, PJ Gruenewald, WR Ponicki
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 76 (3), 439-446, 2015
As violence unfolds: A space–time study of situational triggers of violent victimization among urban youth
B Dong, CN Morrison, CC Branas, TS Richmond, DJ Wiebe
Journal of Quantitative Criminology 36, 119-152, 2020
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