Haiyuan Cai
Haiyuan Cai
The university of Oklahoma
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Insights into extracellular polymeric substances of cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa using fractionation procedure and parallel factor analysis
H Xu, H Cai, G Yu, H Jiang
Water Research 47 (6), 2005-2014, 2013
Enhanced degradation of phenanthrene and pyrene in freshwater sediments by combined employment of sediment microbial fuel cell and amorphous ferric hydroxide
Z Yan, N Song, H Cai, JH Tay, H Jiang
Journal of hazardous materials 199, 217-225, 2012
Complex Interactions Between the Macrophyte Acorus Calamus and Microbial Fuel Cells During Pyrene and Benzo[a]Pyrene Degradation in Sediments
Z Yan, H Jiang, H Cai, Y Zhou, LR Krumholz
Scientific reports 5 (1), 10709, 2015
Bacterial community composition of size-fractioned aggregates within the phycosphere of cyanobacterial blooms in a eutrophic freshwater lake
H Cai, H Jiang, LR Krumholz, Z Yang
PloS one 9 (8), e102879, 2014
The global Microcystis interactome
KV Cook, C Li, H Cai, LR Krumholz, KD Hambright, HW Paerl, MM Steffen, ...
Limnology and oceanography 65, S194-S207, 2020
Bioavailable phosphorus (P) reduction is less than mobile P immobilization in lake sediment for eutrophication control by inactivating agents
C Wang, R He, Y Wu, M Lürling, H Cai, HL Jiang, X Liu
Water Research 109, 196-206, 2017
Analysis of the Attached Microbial Community on Mucilaginous Cyanobacterial Aggregates in the Eutrophic Lake Taihu Reveals the Importance of Planctomycetes
HY Cai, Z Yan, AJ Wang, LR Krumholz, HL Jiang
Microbial ecology 66, 73-83, 2013
Distinct patterns of picocyanobacterial communities in winter and summer in the Chesapeake Bay
H Cai, K Wang, S Huang, N Jiao, F Chen
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 76 (9), 2955-2960, 2010
Increasing the microbial carbon sink in the sea by reducing chemical fertilization on the land
N Jiao, K Tang, H Cai, Y Mao
Nature Reviews Microbiology 9 (1), 75-75, 2011
Increasing sulfate concentrations result in higher sulfide production and phosphorous mobilization in a shallow eutrophic freshwater lake
M Chen, XH Li, YH He, N Song, HY Cai, C Wang, YT Li, HY Chu, ...
Water Research 96, 94-104, 2016
Diverse and dynamic populations of cyanobacterial podoviruses in the Chesapeake Bay unveiled through DNA polymerase gene sequences
F Chen, K Wang, S Huang, H Cai, M Zhao, N Jiao, KE Wommack
Environmental Microbiology 11 (11), 2884-2892, 2009
Interconnection of Key Microbial Functional Genes for Enhanced Benzo[a]pyrene Biodegradation in Sediments by Microbial Electrochemistry
Z Yan, Y He, H Cai, JD Van Nostrand, Z He, J Zhou, LR Krumholz, ...
Environmental science & technology 51 (15), 8519-8529, 2017
Heterogeneity in metal binding by individual fluorescent components in a eutrophic algae-rich lake
H Xu, Z Yan, H Cai, G Yu, L Yang, H Jiang
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 98, 266-272, 2013
Effect of temperature on submerged macrophyte litter decomposition within sediments from a large shallow and subtropical freshwater lake
N Song, ZS Yan, HY Cai, HL Jiang
Hydrobiologia 714, 131-144, 2013
To prevent the occurrence of black water agglomerate through delaying decomposition of cyanobacterial bloom biomass by sediment microbial fuel cell
YL Zhou, HL Jiang, HY Cai
Journal of hazardous materials 287, 7-15, 2015
Cellulose degradation by one mesophilic strain Caulobacter sp. FMC1 under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions
N Song, HY Cai, ZS Yan, HL Jiang
Bioresource Technology 131, 281-287, 2013
Various voltage productions by microbial fuel cells with sedimentary inocula taken from different sites in one freshwater lake
TS Song, HY Cai, ZS Yan, ZW Zhao, HL Jiang
Bioresource Technology 108, 68-75, 2012
Beyond enhancement of macrophyte litter decomposition in sediments from a terrestrializated shallow lake through bioanode employment
N Song, HL Jiang, HY Cai, ZS Yan, YL Zhou
Chemical Engineering Journal 279, 433-441, 2015
Diversity and abundance of nitrate assimilation genes in the northern South China Sea
H Cai, N Jiao
Microbial ecology 56, 751-764, 2008
Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) as a marker of cell proliferation in the marine dinoflagellate Prorocentrum donghaiense Lu and the green alga Dunaliella salina Teodoresco
J Liu, N Jiao, H Hong, T Luo, H Cai
Journal of applied phycology 17, 323-330, 2005
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