Kris Innanen
Kris Innanen
Professor of Geophysics, University of Calgary
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A theory-guided deep-learning formulation and optimization of seismic waveform inversion
J Sun, Z Niu, KA Innanen, J Li, DO Trad
Geophysics 85 (2), R87-R99, 2020
Estimation of elastic constants for HTI media using Gauss-Newton and full-Newton multiparameter full-waveform inversion
W Pan, KA Innanen, GF Margrave, MC Fehler, X Fang, J Li
Geophysics 81 (5), R275-R291, 2016
Physics-guided deep learning for seismic inversion with hybrid training and uncertainty analysis
J Sun, KA Innanen, C Huang
Geophysics 86 (3), R303-R317, 2021
Inversion of the seismic AVF/AVA signatures of highly attenuative targets
KA Innanen
Geophysics 76 (1), R1-R14, 2011
Seismic AVO and the inverse Hessian in precritical reflection full waveform inversion
KA Innanen
Geophysical Journal International 199 (2), 717-734, 2014
Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) used for mapping biophysical parameters of boreal forests
JM Chen, SG Leblanc, JR Miller, J Freemantle, SE Loechel, CL Walthall, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 104 (D22), 27945-27958, 1999
Interparameter trade-off quantification and reduction in isotropic-elastic full-waveform inversion: Synthetic experiments and Hussar land data set application
W Pan, Y Geng, KA Innanen
Geophysical Journal International 213 (2), 1305-1333, 2018
Seismic data interpolation using a fast generalized Fourier transform
M Naghizadeh, KA Innanen
Geophysics 76 (1), V1-V10, 2011
Accelerating Hessian-free Gauss-Newton full-waveform inversion via -BFGS preconditioned conjugate-gradient algorithm
W Pan, KA Innanen, W Liao
Geophysics 82 (2), R49-R64, 2017
Elastic full-waveform inversion and parametrization analysis applied to walk-away vertical seismic profile data for unconventional (heavy oil) reservoir characterization
W Pan, KA Innanen, Y Geng
Geophysical Journal International 213 (3), 1934-1968, 2018
Retrieval of leaf area index and canopy closure from CASI data over the BOREAS flux tower sites
B Hu, K Inannen, JR Miller
Remote Sensing of Environment 74 (2), 255-274, 2000
New approaches to deghosting towed-streamer and ocean-bottom pressure measurements
AB Weglein, GP Correa, Z Guo, J Zhang, SA Shaw, KH Matson, ...
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, SEG-2002-2114, 2002
Interparameter trade-off quantification for isotropic-elastic full-waveform inversion with various model parameterizations
W Pan, KA Innanen, Y Geng, J Li
Geophysics 84 (2), R185-R206, 2019
Estimation of modified fluid factor and dry fracture weaknesses using azimuthal elastic impedance
H Chen, Y Ji, KA Innanen
Geophysics 83 (1), WA73-WA88, 2018
Adaptive separation of free-surface multiples through independent component analysis
ST Kaplan, KA Innanen
Geophysics 73 (3), V29-V36, 2008
On the construction of an absorptive–dispersive medium model via direct linear inversion of reflected seismic primaries
KA Innanen, AB Weglein
Inverse Problems 23 (6), 2289, 2007
Estimating tilted fracture weaknesses from azimuthal differences in seismic amplitude data
H Chen, T Chen, KA Innanen
Geophysics 85 (3), R135-R146, 2020
Estimating P-and S-wave inverse quality factors from observed seismic data using an attenuative elastic impedance
H Chen, KA Innanen, T Chen
Geophysics 83 (2), R173-R187, 2018
Scattering of homogeneous and inhomogeneous seismic waves in low-loss viscoelastic media
S Moradi, KA Innanen
Geophysical Journal International 202 (3), 1722-1732, 2015
Multiparameter seismic elastic full-waveform inversion with combined geophone and shaped fiber-optic cable data
MV Eaid, SD Keating, KA Innanen
Geophysics 85 (6), R537-R552, 2020
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