Pavel Hok
Pavel Hok
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacky University Olomouc, Czech Republic
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Multiparametric quantitative MRI in neurological diseases
A Seiler, U Nöth, P Hok, A Reiländer, M Maiworm, S Baudrexel, S Meuth, ...
Frontiers in neurology 12, 640239, 2021
The central effects of botulinum toxin in dystonia and spasticity
P Hok, T Veverka, P Hluštík, M Nevrlý, P Kaňovský
Toxins 13 (2), 155, 2021
Changes in sensorimotor network activation after botulinum toxin type A injections in patients with cervical dystonia: a functional MRI study
M Nevrlý, P Hluštík, P Hok, P Otruba, Z Tüdös, P Kaňovský
Experimental brain research 236 (10), 2627-2637, 2018
Evaluation of brain ageing: a quantitative longitudinal MRI study over 7 years
RM Gracien, L Nürnberger, P Hok, SM Hof, SC Reitz, U Rüb, H Steinmetz, ...
European radiology 27, 1568-1576, 2017
Longitudinal changes of cortical microstructure in Parkinson's disease assessed with T1 relaxometry
L Nürnberger, RM Gracien, P Hok, SM Hof, U Rüb, H Steinmetz, R Hilker, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 13, 405-414, 2017
Modulation of the sensorimotor system by sustained manual pressure stimulation
P Hok, J Opavský, M Kutín, Z Tüdös, P Kaňovský, P Hluštík
Neuroscience 348, 11-22, 2017
BoNT-A related changes of cortical activity in patients suffering from severe hand paralysis with arm spasticity following ischemic stroke
T Veverka, P Hluštík, Z Tomášová, P Hok, P Otruba, M Král, Z Tüdös, ...
Journal of the neurological sciences 319 (1-2), 89-95, 2012
Cortical activity modulation by botulinum toxin type A in patients with post-stroke arm spasticity: real and imagined hand movement
T Veverka, P Hluštík, P Hok, P Otruba, Z Tüdös, J Zapletalová, A Krobot, ...
Journal of the Neurological Sciences 346 (1-2), 276-283, 2014
Low-frequency oscillations code speech during verbal working memory
J Gehrig, G Michalareas, MT Forster, J Lei, P Hok, H Laufs, C Senft, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 39 (33), 6498-6512, 2019
Sensorimotor modulation by botulinum toxin A in post-stroke arm spasticity: Passive hand movement
T Veverka, P Hluštík, P Hok, P Otruba, J Zapletalová, Z Tüdös, A Krobot, ...
Journal of the neurological sciences 362, 14-20, 2016
Multimodal quantitative MRI reveals no evidence for tissue pathology in idiopathic cervical dystonia
RM Gracien, F Petrov, P Hok, A Van Wijnen, M Maiworm, A Seiler, ...
Frontiers in neurology 10, 914, 2019
Optimization of diffusion-weighted single-refocused spin-echo EPI by reducing eddy-current artifacts and shortening the echo time
M Shrestha, P Hok, U Nöth, B Lienerth, R Deichmann
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 31, 585-597, 2018
The effects of sustained manual pressure stimulation according to Vojta Therapy on heart rate variability
J Opavsky, M Slachtova, M Kutin, P Hok, P Uhlir, H Opavska, P Hlustik
Biomedical papers 162 (3), 206-211, 2018
Freezing of gait is associated with cortical thinning in mesial frontal cortex
M Vastik, P Hok, J Valosek, P Hlustik, K Mensikova, P Kanovsky
Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub 161 (4), 389-396, 2017
Differential effects of sustained manual pressure stimulation according to site of action
P Hok, J Opavský, R Labounek, M Kutín, M Šlachtová, Z Tüdös, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 13, 722, 2019
Botulinum toxin treatment of freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease patients as reflected in functional magnetic resonance imaging of leg movement.
M Vastik, P Hok, P Hlustik, P Otruba, Z Tüdös, P Kanovsky
Neuro Endocrinology Letters 37 (2), 147-153, 2016
Effects of spinal cord decompression in patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy oncortical brain activations
L Hrabálek, P Hluštík, P Hok, T Wanek, P Otruba, E Cecháková, ...
Rozhledy v chirurgii: mesicnik Ceskoslovenske chirurgicke spolecnosti 93 (11 …, 2014
Botulinum toxin injection changes resting state cerebellar connectivity in cervical dystonia
P Hok, L Hvizdošová, P Otruba, M Kaiserová, M Trnečková, Z Tüdös, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 8322, 2021
Botulinum toxin modulates posterior parietal cortex activation in post-stroke spasticity of the upper limb
T Veverka, P Hok, P Otruba, J Zapletalová, B Kukolová, Z Tüdös, A Krobot, ...
Frontiers in Neurology 10, 495, 2019
Predictors of poor treatment response to additional CBT in real panic disorder patients: The role of DLPF, orbitofrontal cortex, parietal lobule, frontal eye field and amygdala …
A Grambal, Z Tüdös, P Hok, D Kamarádová, T Divéky, P Hluštík, J Praško
Neuroendocrinology Letters 36 (3), 2015
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