Peter G. Lelievre
Joint inversion of seismic traveltimes and gravity data on unstructured grids with application to mineral exploration
PG Lelièvre, CG Farquharson, CA Hurich
Geophysics 77 (1), K1-K15, 2012
A 3D total magnetization inversion applicable when significant, complicated remanence is present
PG Lelièvre, DW Oldenburg
Geophysics 74 (3), L21-L30, 2009
Magnetic forward modelling and inversion for high susceptibility
PG Lelievre, DW Oldenburg
Geophysical Journal International 166 (1), 76-90, 2006
A comprehensive study of including structural orientation information in geophysical inversions
PG Lelievre, DW Oldenburg
Geophysical Journal International 178 (2), 623-637, 2009
Gradient and smoothness regularization operators for geophysical inversion on unstructured meshes
PG Lelievre, CG Farquharson
Geophysical Journal International 195 (1), 330-341, 2013
Integrating geological and geophysical data through advanced constrained inversions
PG Lelièvre, DW Oldenburg, NC Williams
Exploration Geophysics 40 (4), 334-341, 2009
A study of fuzzy c-means coupling for joint inversion, using seismic tomography and gravity data test scenarios
A Carter-McAuslan, PG Lelièvre, CG Farquharson
Geophysics 80 (1), W1-W15, 2015
Integrated imaging of the earth: Theory and applications
M Moorkamp, PG Lelièvre, N Linde, A Khan
John Wiley & Sons, 2016
Computing first-arrival seismic traveltimes on unstructured 3-D tetrahedral grids using the fast marching method
PG Lelièvre, CG Farquharson, CA Hurich
Geophysical Journal International 184 (2), 885-896, 2011
Inversion of first-arrival seismic traveltimes without rays, implemented on unstructured grids
PG Lelievre, CG Farquharson, CA Hurich
Geophysical Journal International 185 (2), 749-763, 2011
Integrating geologic and geophysical data through advanced constrained inversions
P Lelièvre, D Oldenburg, N Williams
ASEG Extended Abstracts 2009 (1), 1-6, 2009
Multiple level-set joint inversion of traveltime and gravity data with application to ore delineation: A synthetic study
P Zheglova, PG Lelièvre, CG Farquharson
Geophysics 83 (1), R13-R30, 2018
Unified geophysical and geological 3D Earth models
P Lelièvre, A Carter-McAuslan, C Farquharson, C Hurich
The Leading Edge 31 (3), 322-328, 2012
Bayesian joint muographic and gravimetric inversion applied to volcanoes
A Barnoud, V Cayol, V Niess, C Cârloganu, P Lelièvre, P Labazuy, ...
Geophysical Journal International 218 (3), 2179-2194, 2019
FacetModeller: Software for manual creation, manipulation and analysis of 3D surface-based models
PG Lelièvre, AE Carter-McAuslan, MW Dunham, DJ Jones, M Nalepa, ...
SoftwareX 7, 41-46, 2018
Physical-property-, lithology-and surface-geometry-based joint inversion using Pareto Multi-Objective Global Optimization
R Bijani, PG Lelièvre, CF Ponte-Neto, CG Farquharson
Geophysical Journal International 209 (2), 730-748, 2017
Selection for prey shell thickness by the naticid gastropod Euspira lewisii (Naticidae) on the bivalve Protothaca staminea (Veneridae)
M Grey, PG Lelievre, EG Boulding
Veliger 48 (4), 317-322, 2007
Integrated imaging for mineral exploration
PG Lelièvre, CG Farquharson
Integrated imaging of the earth: Theory and applications, 137-166, 2016
Joint inversion methods with relative density offset correction for muon tomography and gravity data, with application to volcano imaging
PG Lelièvre, A Barnoud, V Niess, C Cârloganu, V Cayol, CG Farquharson
Geophysical Journal International 218 (3), 1685-1701, 2019
Forward modelling and inversion of geophysical magnetic data
PG Lelièvre
University of British Columbia, 2003
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