Siamak Yousefi
Siamak Yousefi
Signal Processing Engineer Zainar Inc
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A Survey of Human Activity Recognition Using WiFi Channel State Information
S Yousefi, H Narui, S Dayal, S Ermon, S Valaee
IEEE Communication Magazine 55 (10), 98-104, 2017
A look at the recent wireless positioning techniques with a focus on algorithms for moving receivers
A Tahat, G Kaddoum, S Yousefi, S Valaee, F Gagnon
IEEE Access 4, 6652-6680, 2016
Mobile Localization in Non-Line-of-Sight Using Constrained Square-Root Unscented Kalman Filter
S Yousefi, XW Chang, B Champagne
IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Tech., 2014
Low-complexity variable forgetting factor constant modulus RLS-based algorithm for blind adaptive beamforming
B Qin, Y Cai, B Champagne, M Zhao, S Yousefi
2013 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 171-175, 2013
Rssi localization with gaussian processes and tracking
M Dashti, S Yiu, S Yousefi, F Perez-Cruz, H Claussen
2015 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 1-6, 2015
Distributed cooperative localization in wireless sensor networks without NLOS identification
S Yousefi, XW Chang, B Champagne
2014 11th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication (WPNC), 1-6, 2014
Offline signature verification using geometric center features
S Afsardoost, S Yousefi, MA Khorshidi
2008 9th International Conference on Signal Processing, 1491-1494, 2008
Sensor localization in NLOS environments with anchor uncertainty and unknown clock parameters
S Yousefi, RM Vaghefi, XW Chang, B Champagne, RM Buehrer
2015 IEEE International Conference on Communication Workshop (ICCW), 742-747, 2015
An Improved Extended Kalman Filter for Localization of a Mobile Node with NLOS Anchors
S Yousefi, XW Chang, B Champagne
ICWMC 2013, The Ninth International Conference on Wireless and Mobile …, 2013
A novel model for simulation of RF oscillator phase noise
S Yousefi, T Eriksson, D Kuylenstierna
2010 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS), 428-431, 2010
Tight 2-Dimensional Outer-approximations of Feasible Sets in Wireless Sensor Networks
S Yousefi, H Wymeersch, XW Chang, B Champagne
IEEE Communication Letters, 2016
Cooperative Localization of Mobile Nodes in NLOS
S Yousefi, XW Chang, B Champagne
Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communication 2014, 2014
A joint localization and synchronization technique using time of arrival at multiple antenna receivers
S Yousefi, XW Chang, B Champagne
2013 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 2017-2021, 2013
Linear Prediction of Discrete-TimeProcesses
S Yousefi, J Jalden, T Eriksson
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 17 (11), 901-904, 2010
On the predictability of phase noise modeled as flicker FM plus white FM
S Yousefi, J Jaldén
2010 Conference Record of the Forty Fourth Asilomar Conference on Signals …, 2010
Methods for time synchronization and localization in a mesh network
SY Philip A. Kratz, Mainak M. Chowdhury, Jonathan Lu
US Patent 11,658,798, 2023
Methods for time synchronization and localization in a mesh network
PA Kratz, MM Chowdhury, J Lu, S Yousefi
US Patent App. 18/134,520, 2023
Hybrid method for time-of-arrival-based ranging
SY Mainak Chowdhury, Philip Adam Kratz, Jonathan Shiao-En Lu, Srdjan Miocinovic
US Patent 11,493,619, 2022
Method for identifying and diagnosing failures in pairwise time synchronization and frequency calibration in a mesh network
PA Kratz, J Lu, S Miocinovic, S Yousefi
US Patent 11,863,298, 2024
Phase noise in communication: modeling, simulation and estimation
S Yousefi
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