Xing Chao
Xing Chao
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Analysis of calibration-free wavelength-scanned wavelength modulation spectroscopy for practical gas sensing using tunable diode lasers
K Sun, X Chao, R Sur, CS Goldenstein, JB Jeffries, RK Hanson
Measurement Science and Technology 24 (12), 125203, 2013
Absorption sensor for CO in combustion gases using 2.3 µm tunable diode lasers
X Chao, JB Jeffries, RK Hanson
Measurement Science and Technology 20 (11), 115201, 2009
TDL absorption sensors for gas temperature and concentrations in a high-pressure entrained-flow coal gasifier
K Sun, R Sur, X Chao, JB Jeffries, RK Hanson, RJ Pummill, KJ Whitty
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2), 3593-3601, 2013
Wavelength-modulation-spectroscopy for real-time, in situ NO detection in combustion gases with a 5.2 μm quantum-cascade laser
X Chao, JB Jeffries, RK Hanson
Applied Physics B 106, 987-997, 2012
Real-time, in situ, continuous monitoring of CO in a pulverized-coal-fired power plant with a 2.3 μm laser absorption sensor
X Chao, JB Jeffries, RK Hanson
Applied Physics B 110, 359-365, 2013
Laser absorption sensing systems: challenges, modeling, and design optimization
Z Wang, P Fu, X Chao
Applied Sciences 9 (13), 2723, 2019
Wavelength modulation diode laser absorption spectroscopy for high-pressure gas sensing
K Sun, X Chao, R Sur, JB Jeffries, RK Hanson
Applied Physics B 110, 497-508, 2013
In situ absorption sensor for NO in combustion gases with a 5.2 μm quantum-cascade laser
X Chao, JB Jeffries, RK Hanson
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 33 (1), 725-733, 2011
Development of laser absorption techniques for real-time, in-situ dual-species monitoring (NO/NH3, CO/O2) in combustion exhaust
X Chao, JB Jeffries, RK Hanson
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2), 3583-3592, 2013
Sensitive and rapid laser diagnostic for shock tube kinetics studies using cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy
K Sun, S Wang, R Sur, X Chao, JB Jeffries, RK Hanson
Optics Express 22 (8), 9291-9300, 2014
Time-resolved in situ detection of CO in a shock tube using cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy with a quantum-cascade laser near 4.6µm
K Sun, S Wang, R Sur, X Chao, JB Jeffries, RK Hanson
Optics Express 22 (20), 24559-24565, 2014
Simultaneous measurement on gas concentration and particle mass concentration by tunable diode laser
F Wang, KF Cen, N Li, QX Huang, X Chao, JH Yan, Y Chi
Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 21 (3), 382-387, 2010
Mid-infrared CO2 sensor with blended absorption features for non-uniform laminar premixed flames
Z Wang, W Wang, L Ma, P Fu, W Ren, X Chao
Applied Physics B 128 (2), 31, 2022
Method for calibration-free scanned-wavelength modulation spectroscopy for gas sensing
RK Hanson, JB Jeffries, K Sun, R Sur, X Chao
US Patent 9,939,376, 2018
Y-Net: a dual-branch deep learning network for nonlinear absorption tomography with wavelength modulation spectroscopy
Z Wang, N Zhu, W Wang, X Chao
Optics Express 30 (2), 2156-2172, 2022
Cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy for shocktubes: Design and optimization
X Chao, G Shen, K Sun, Z Wang, Q Meng, S Wang, RK Hanson
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37 (2), 1345-1353, 2019
Baseline reduction algorithm for direct absorption spectroscopy with interference features
Z Wang, P Fu, X Chao
Measurement Science and Technology 31 (3), 035202, 2019
Diffuse-reflection-based single-ended laser absorption sensor for H2O temperature and concentration in kerosene-fuelled combustor
Z Wang, P Fu, L Hou, X Chao
Measurement Science and Technology 31 (10), 105202, 2020
Gaussian process regression for direct laser absorption spectroscopy in complex combustion environments
W Wang, Z Wang, X Chao
Optics Express 29 (12), 17926-17939, 2021
On evaporation dynamics of an acoustically levitated multicomponent droplet: Evaporation-triggered phase transition and freezing
H Zeng, Y Wakata, X Chao, M Li, C Sun
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 648, 736-744, 2023
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