María Teresa González-Aparicio
María Teresa González-Aparicio
profesora de Informatica, Universidad de Oviedo
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Automatic schema suggestion model for NoSQL document-stores databases
AA Imam, S Basri, R Ahmad, J Watada, MT González-Aparicio
Journal of Big Data 5, 1-17, 2018
Testing of transactional services in NoSQL key-value databases
MT González-Aparicio, M Younas, J Tuya, R Casado
Future Generation Computer Systems 80, 384-399, 2018
Data modeling guidelines for NoSQL document-store databases
AA Imam, S Basri, R Ahmad, J Watada, MT González Aparicio, ...
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 9, 2018
A new model for testing CRUD operations in a NoSQL database
MT González-Aparicio, M Younas, J Tuya, R Casado
2016 IEEE 30th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking …, 2016
New cardinality notations and styles for modeling NoSQL document-store databases
AA Imam, S Basri, R Ahmad, N Aziz, MT Gonzålez-Aparicio
TENCON 2017-2017 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 2765-2770, 2017
Transaction processing in consistency-aware user’s applications deployed on NoSQL databases
MT González-Aparicio, A Ogunyadeka, M Younas, J Tuya, R Casado
Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences 7, 1-18, 2017
Dsp: Schema design for non-relational applications
AA Imam, S Basri, R Ahmad, AA Wahab, MT González-Aparicio, ...
Symmetry 12 (11), 1799, 2020
Schema proposition model for NoSQL applications
AA Imam, S Basri, R Ahmad, MT González-Aparicio
Recent Trends in Data Science and Soft Computing: Proceedings of the 3rd …, 2019
Evaluation of ACE properties of traditional SQL and NoSQL big data systems
MT Gonzalez-Aparicio, M Younas, J Tuya, R Casado
Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, 1988-1995, 2019
Measuring temporal redundancy in sequences of video requests in a News-on-Demand service
MT González-Aparicio, R García, JL Brugos, XG Pañeda, D Melendi, ...
Telematics and Informatics 31 (3), 444-458, 2014
A transaction platform for microservices-based big data systems
MT González-Aparicio, M Younas, J Tuya, R Casado
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 123, 102709, 2023
NoInjection: preventing unsafe queries on NoSQL-document-model databases
AA Imam, S Basri, MT González-Aparicio, AO Balogun, G Kumar
2022 2nd International Conference on Computing and Information Technology …, 2022
Literature Review on Database Design Testing Techniques
A Abubakar Imam, S Basri, R Ahmad, MT González-Aparicio
Software Engineering Methods in Intelligent Algorithms: Proceedings of 8th …, 2019
Video popularity characterization centered on news-on-demand
MT González Aparicio, R García Fernández, JA López Brugos, ...
International Journal of Multimedia & Its Applications, 4 (5), 2012
Diseño del módulo
MT González Aparicio
Diseño del módulo" Servicios en Red" para el CFGM de" Sistemas Microinformáticos y Redes", y propuesta de innovación" Creando conciencia: riesgos de Internet y uso responsable"
MT González Aparicio
Caracterización de la popularidad en servicios de vídeo bajo demanda aplicada a periódicos digitales
MT González Aparicio
Universidad de Oviedo, 2012
Box-Cox transformation as an alternative method for modeling video-on-demand popularity
MT González Aparicio, R García Fernández, XX García Pañeda, ...
GLOBECOM Workshops (GC Wkshps), 2010 IEEE, 2010
Influencia de la incorporación de nuevos contenidos en la popularidad de los servicios de vídeo bajo demanda
MT González Aparicio, XX García Pañeda, R García Fernández, ...
Jornadas de Ingeniería Telemática (JITEL 2008), 2008
Find the informatin you want on the web, how likely could be get it successfully?
MT González Aparicio, Á Neira Álvarez, JA López Brugos
IADIS Internacional Conference e-Society 2006, 2006
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
Straipsniai 1–20