shengji xia
shengji xia
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Degradation of the antiepileptic drug carbamazepine upon different UV-based advanced oxidation processes in water
J Deng, Y Shao, N Gao, S Xia, C Tan, S Zhou, X Hu
Chemical Engineering Journal 222, 150-158, 2013
Preparation of graphene oxide modified polyamide thin film composite membranes with improved hydrophilicity for natural organic matter removal
S Xia, L Yao, Y Zhao, N Li, Y Zheng
Chemical Engineering Journal 280, 720-727, 2015
Effect of TiO2 nanowire addition on PVDF ultrafiltration membrane performance
Y Wei, HQ Chu, BZ Dong, X Li, SJ Xia, ZM Qiang
Desalination 272 (1-3), 90-97, 2011
Preparation of poly (vinylidene fluoride) membranes with graphene oxide addition for natural organic matter removal
S Xia, M Ni
Journal of Membrane Science 473, 54-62, 2015
Photochemical degradation of diethyl phthalate with UV/H2O2
B Xu, NY Gao, XF Sun, SJ Xia, M Rui, MO Simonnot, C Causserand, ...
Journal of hazardous materials 139 (1), 132-139, 2007
Oxidative degradation of dimethyl phthalate (DMP) by UV/H2O2 process
B Xu, N Gao, H Cheng, S Xia, M Rui, D Zhao
Journal of Hazardous Materials 162 (2-3), 954-959, 2009
Study of drinking water treatment by ultrafiltration of surface water and its application to China
S Xia, J Nan, R Liu, G Li
Desalination 170 (1), 41-47, 2004
Ultrathin graphene oxide nanosheet membranes with various d-spacing assembled using the pressure-assisted filtration method for removing natural organic matter
S Xia, M Ni, T Zhu, Y Zhao, N Li
Desalination 371, 78-87, 2015
Characteristics of organic material in Huangpu River and treatability with the O3-BAC process
B Xu, NY Gao, XF Sun, SJ Xia, MO Simonnot, C Causserand, M Rui, ...
Separation and Purification Technology 57 (2), 348-355, 2007
Study of arsenic removal by nanofiltration and its application in China
S Xia, B Dong, Q Zhang, B Xu, N Gao, C Causseranda
Desalination 204 (1-3), 374-379, 2007
Measurement of dissolved organic nitrogen in a drinking water treatment plant: size fraction, fate, and relation to water quality parameters
B Xu, T Ye, DP Li, CY Hu, YL Lin, SJ Xia, FX Tian, NY Gao
Science of the Total Environment 409 (6), 1116-1122, 2011
Huangpu River water treatment by microfiltration with ozone pretreatment
Y Song, B Dong, N Gao, S Xia
Desalination 250 (1), 71-75, 2010
Formation of organic chloramines during chlor (am) ination and UV/chlor (am) ination of algae organic matter in drinking water
TY Zhang, YL Lin, B Xu, T Cheng, SJ Xia, WH Chu, NY Gao
Water research 103, 189-196, 2016
Measurements of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) in water samples with nanofiltration pretreatment
B Xu, DP Li, W Li, SJ Xia, YL Lin, CY Hu, CJ Zhang, NY Gao
Water research 44 (18), 5376-5384, 2010
Drinking water production by ultrafiltration of Songhuajiang River with PAC adsorption
S Xia, Y Liu, LI Xing, J Yao
Journal of Environmental Sciences 19 (5), 536-539, 2007
Degradation of iohexol by UV/chlorine process and formation of iodinated trihalomethanes during post-chlorination
Z Wang, YL Lin, B Xu, SJ Xia, TY Zhang, NY Gao
Chemical Engineering Journal 283, 1090-1096, 2016
The role of interface in microbubble ozonation of aromatic compounds
C Wu, P Li, S Xia, S Wang, Y Wang, J Hu, Z Liu, S Yu
Chemosphere 220, 1067-1074, 2019
Calcium‐Enhanced Ferric Hydroxide Co‐Precipitation of Arsenic in the Presence of Silicate
L Ruiping, L Xing, X Shengji, Y Yanling, W Rongcheng, L Guibai
Water Environment Research 79 (11), 2260-2264, 2007
A critical review on thin-film nanocomposite membranes enabled by nanomaterials incorporated in different positions and with diverse dimensions: Performance comparison and …
X Wei, Y Liu, J Zheng, X Wang, S Xia, B Van der Bruggen
Journal of Membrane Science 661, 120952, 2022
Comparison of iodinated trihalomethanes formation during aqueous chlor (am) ination of different iodinated X-ray contrast media compounds in the presence of natural organic matter
T Ye, B Xu, Z Wang, TY Zhang, CY Hu, L Lin, SJ Xia, NY Gao
water research 66, 390-398, 2014
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