Dr Kanwaljit Singh Ramgarhia
Dr Kanwaljit Singh Ramgarhia
Incharge - Department of Gurmat Sangeet, Punjabi University Patiala
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Influence of microwave roasting on chemical composition, oxidative stability and fatty acid composition of flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) oil
K Suri, B Singh, A Kaur, MP Yadav, N Singh
Food chemistry 326, 126974, 2020
Enzymatic Browning of Fruit and Vegetables: A Review
BS Kanchan, K Suri, K Shevkani, A Kaur, A Kaur, N Singh
Springer, 2018
Enzymatic browning of fruit and vegetables: A review
B Singh, K Suri, K Shevkani, A Kaur, A Kaur, N Singh
Enzymes in food technology, 63-78, 2018
Insights into the chemical composition and bioactivities of citrus peel essential oils
B Singh, JP Singh, A Kaur, MP Yadav
Food Research International, 110231, 2021
Synergetic effect of vancomycin loaded silver nanoparticles for enhanced antibacterial activity
A Kaur, S Preet, V Kumar, R Kumar, R Kumar
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 176, 62-69, 2019
Impact of germination on flour, protein and starch characteristics of lentil (Lens culinari) and horsegram (Macrotyloma uniflorum L.) lines
A Ghumman, A Kaur, N Singh
LWT-Food Science and Technology 65, 137-144, 2016
Antimicrobial potential of pomegranate peel: a review
B Singh, JP Singh, A Kaur, N Singh
International Journal of Food Science & Technology 54 (4), 959-965, 2019
Modification of starch using low pressure radio frequency air plasma
S Banura, R Thirumdas, A Kaur, RR Deshmukh, US Annapure
LWT 89, 719-724, 2018
Effect of nonthermal plasma on physico-chemical, amino acid composition, pasting and protein characteristics of short and long grain rice flour
P Pal, P Kaur, N Singh, A Kaur, NN Misra, BK Tiwari, PJ Cullen, AS Virdi
Food Research International 81, 50-57, 2016
Impact of infrared and dry air roasting on the oxidative stability, fatty acid composition, Maillard reaction products and other chemical properties of black cumin (Nigella …
K Suri, B Singh, A Kaur, MP Yadav, N Singh
Food chemistry 295, 537-547, 2019
Impact of germination on phenolic composition, antioxidant properties, antinutritional factors, mineral content and Maillard reaction products of malted quinoa flour
S Bhinder, S Kumari, B Singh, A Kaur, N Singh
Food Chemistry 346, 128915, 2021
Physicochemical, pasting, and functional properties of amaranth seed flours: effects of lipids removal
K Shevkani, N Singh, A Kaur, JC Rana
Journal of food science 79 (7), C1271-C1277, 2014
Properties of octenyl succinic anhydride (OSA) modified starches and their application in low fat mayonnaise
R Bajaj, N Singh, A Kaur
International journal of biological macromolecules 131, 147-157, 2019
Structural, morphological, functional and digestibility properties of starches from cereals, tubers and legumes: a comparative study
R Bajaj, N Singh, A Kaur, N Inouchi
Journal of food science and technology 55 (9), 3799-3808, 2018
Impact of roasting and extraction methods on chemical properties, oxidative stability and Maillard reaction products of peanut oils
K Suri, B Singh, A Kaur, N Singh
Journal of food science and technology 56 (5), 2436-2445, 2019
Effect of infrared roasting on antioxidant activity, phenolic composition and Maillard reaction products of Tartary buckwheat varieties
S Bhinder, B Singh, A Kaur, N Singh, M Kaur, S Kumari, MP Yadav
Food chemistry 285, 240-251, 2019
Proximate composition, amino acid profile, pasting and process characteristics of flour from different Tartary buckwheat varieties
S Bhinder, A Kaur, B Singh, MP Yadav, N Singh
Food Research International 130, 108946, 2020
Comparison of color, anti-nutritional factors, minerals, phenolic profile and protein digestibility between hard-to-cook and easy-to-cook grains from different kidney bean …
N Parmar, N Singh, A Kaur, S Thakur
Journal of food science and technology 54 (4), 1023-1034, 2017
Diversity in quality traits amongst Indian wheat varieties I: flour and protein characteristics
M Katyal, AS Virdi, A Kaur, N Singh, S Kaur, AK Ahlawat, AM Singh
Food chemistry 194, 337-344, 2016
Effect of degree of milling on physicochemical, structural, pasting and cooking properties of short and long grain Indica rice cultivars
RS Sandhu, N Singh, RSS Kaler, A Kaur, K Shevkani
Food chemistry 260, 231-238, 2018
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