Zhiyong Tian
A comprehensive analysis on definitions, development, and policies of nearly zero energy buildings in China
Z Liu, Q Zhou, Z Tian, B He, G Jin
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 114, 109314, 2019
Large-scale solar district heating plants in Danish smart thermal grid: Developments and recent trends
Z Tian, S Zhang, J Deng, J Fan, J Huang, W Kong, B Perers, S Furbo
Energy Conversion and Management 189, 67-80, 2019
Large-scale solar thermal systems in leading countries: A review and comparative study of Denmark, China, Germany and Austria
D Tschopp, Z Tian, M Berberich, J Fan, B Perers, S Furbo
Applied Energy 270, 114997, 2020
Thermo-economic optimization of a hybrid solar district heating plant with flat plate collectors and parabolic trough collectors in series
Z Tian, B Perers, S Furbo, J Fan
Energy Conversion and Management 165, 92-101, 2018
Analysis and validation of a quasi-dynamic model for a solar collector field with flat plate collectors and parabolic trough collectors in series for district heating
Z Tian, B Perers, S Furbo, J Fan
Energy 142, 130-138, 2018
Comprehensive energy, economic, environmental assessment of a building integrated photovoltaic-thermoelectric system with battery storage for net zero energy building
Y Luo, N Cheng, S Zhang, Z Tian, G Xu, X Yang, J Fan
Building Simulation, 1-19, 2022
Simulation and optimization study on a solar space heating system combined with a low temperature ASHP for single family rural residential houses in Beijing
J Deng, Z Tian, J Fan, M Yang, S Furbo, Z Wang
Energy and Buildings 126, 2-13, 2016
Annual measured and simulated thermal performance analysis of a hybrid solar district heating plant with flat plate collectors and parabolic trough collectors in series
Z Tian, B Perers, S Furbo, J Fan
Applied Energy 205, 417-427, 2017
Simulation and optimization of a hybrid unglazed solar photovoltaic-thermal collector and heat pump system with two storage tanks
M Dannemand, I Sifnaios, Z Tian, S Furbo
Energy Conversion and Management 206, 112429, 2020
Optimize heat prosumers' economic performance under current heating price models by using water tank thermal energy storage
H Li, J Hou, Z Tian, T Hong, N Nord, D Rohde
Energy, 122103, 2021
A comprehensive analysis on development and transition of the solar thermal market in China with more than 70% market share worldwide
J Huang, Z Tian, J Fan
Energy 174, 611-624, 2019
Investigations of Nearly (net) Zero Energy Residential Buildings in Beijing
Z Tian, S Zhang, H Li, Y Jiang, J Dong, B Zhang, R Yi
Procedia Engineering 121, 1051-1057, 2015
Advances and prospects on estimating solar photovoltaic installation capacity and potential based on satellite and aerial images
H Mao, X Chen, Y Luo, J Deng, Z Tian, J Yu, Y Xiao, J Fan
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 179, 113276, 2023
Semi-analytical modeling of large-scale water tank for seasonal thermal storage applications
Y Luo, L Hu, F Ochs, A Tosatto, G Xu, Z Tian, A Dahash, J Yu, G Yuan, ...
Energy and Buildings, 112620, 2022
Comprehensive thermal performance analysis and optimization study on U-type deep borehole ground source heat pump systems based on a new analytical model
J Shen, C Zhou, Y Luo, Z Tian, S Zhang, J Fan, Z Ling
Energy, 127367, 2023
Heat extraction and recover of deep borehole heat exchanger: Negotiating with intermittent operation mode under complex geological conditions
Y Luo, G Xu, S Zhang, N Cheng, Z Tian, J Yu
Energy, 122510, 2021
Thermal performance predictions and tests of a novel type of flat plate solar thermal collectors by integrating with a freeze tolerance solution
J Deng, Z Tian, J King, S Speake
Energy Conversion and Management 198, 2019
A Comprehensive Approach for Modelling Horizontal Diffuse Radiation, Direct Normal Irradiance and Total Tilted Solar Radiation Based on Global Radiation under Danish Climate …
Z Tian, B Perers, S Furbo, J Fan, J Deng, J Dragsted
Energies 11 (5), 1315, 2018
A simplified model for linear correlation between annual yield and DNI for parabolic trough collectors
B Ahlgren, Z Tian, B Perers, J Dragsted, E Johansson, K Lundberg, ...
Energy Conversion and Management 174, 295-308, 2018
Tårs 10000 m 2 CSP+ Flat Plate Solar Collector Plant-Cost-Performance Optimization of the Design
B Perers, S Furbo, Z Tian, J Egelwisse, F Bava, J Fan
Energy Procedia 91, 312-316, 2016
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