陳維東Wei Tong Chen
陳維東Wei Tong Chen
雲林科技大學營建工程系Dept. of Civil & Constr. Engrg., Yun Tech
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Critical success factors for construction partnering in Taiwan
WT Chen, TT Chen
International journal of project management 25 (5), 475-484, 2007
Time is money: Innovative contracting methods in highway construction
ZJ Herbsman, W Tong Chen, WC Epstein
Journal of Construction Engineering and management 121 (3), 273-281, 1995
Earned value project management: Improving the predictive power of planned value
HL Chen, WT Chen, YL Lin
International Journal of Project Management 34 (1), 22-29, 2016
Assessing the overall performance of value engineering workshops for construction projects
WT Chen, PY Chang, YH Huang
International journal of project management 28 (5), 514-527, 2010
Critical Success Factors for Safety Management of High‐Rise Building Construction Projects in China
Y Li, Y Ning, WT Chen
Advances in Civil Engineering 2018 (1), 1516354, 2018
Setting maximum incentive for incentive/disincentive contracts for highway projects
JF Shr, WT Chen
Journal of Construction Engineering and management 130 (1), 84-93, 2004
A method to determine minimum contract bids for incentive highway projects
JF Shr, WT Chen
International Journal of Project Management 21 (8), 601-615, 2003
Analyzing relationships among success variables of construction partnering using structural equation modeling: a case study of Taiwan's construction industry
WT Chen, TT Chen, C Sheng Lu, SS Liu
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 18 (6), 783-794, 2012
Approximately predicting the cost and duration of school reconstruction projects in Taiwan
WT Chen, YH Huang
Construction management and Economics 24 (12), 1231-1239, 2006
Functional model of cost and time for highway construction projects
JF Shr, WT Chen
Journal of Marine Science and Technology 14 (3), 1, 2006
Crystal growth and magnetic ordering of Na 2 Ni 2 TeO 6 with honeycomb layers and Na 2 Cu 2 TeO 6 with Cu spin dimers
R Sankar, IP Muthuselvam, GJ Shu, WT Chen, SK Karna, R Jayavel, ...
CrystEngComm 16 (47), 10791-10796, 2014
Developing a CBR-based adjudication system for fatal construction industry occupational accidents. Part I: Building the system framework
WT Chen, PY Chang, K Chou, LE Mortis
Expert Systems with Applications 37 (7), 4867-4880, 2010
Construction safety success factors: A Taiwanese case study
WT Chen, IC Tsai, HC Merrett, ST Lu, YI Lee, JK You, L Mortis
Sustainability 12 (16), 6326, 2020
Relationships between social support, social status perception, social identity, work stress, and safety behavior of construction site management personnel
YH Huang, CY Sung, WT Chen, SS Liu
Sustainability 13 (6), 3184, 2021
A decade of value engineering in construction projects
WT Chen, HC Merrett, SS Liu, N Fauzia, FN Liem
Advances in Civil Engineering 2022 (1), 2324277, 2022
Exploring the relationship between safety climate and worker safety behavior on building construction sites in Taiwan
WT Chen, HC Merrett, YH Huang, TA Bria, YH Lin
Sustainability 13 (6), 3326, 2021
Measuring the perception of safety among Taiwan construction managers
WT Chen, CS Lu, SS Liu, MS Wang
Journal of civil engineering and management 19 (1), 37-48, 2013
Polynomial-Fourier series model for analyzing and predicting electricity consumption in buildings
CL Tsai, WT Chen, CS Chang
Energy and Buildings 127, 301-312, 2016
A job‐plan based performance evaluation for construction value engineering study
WT Chen, SL Liao
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers 33 (2), 317-333, 2010
The impact of safety culture on safety performance-a case study of Taiwan's construction industry
WT Chen, CW Wang, ST Lu, NH Pan
International Journal of Organizational Innovation (Online) 11 (1), 1-15, 2018
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