David Bolin
Spatial modeling with R‐INLA: A review
H Bakka, H Rue, GA Fuglstad, A Riebler, D Bolin, J Illian, E Krainski, ...
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics 10 (6), e1443, 2018
Excursion and contour uncertainty regions for latent Gaussian models
D Bolin, F Lindgren
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology …, 2015
Spatial models generated by nested stochastic partial differential equations, with an application to global ozone mapping
D Bolin, F Lindgren
The Annals of Applied Statistics 5 (1), 523-550, 2011
The SPDE approach for Gaussian and non-Gaussian fields: 10 years and still running
F Lindgren, D Bolin, H Rue
Spatial Statistics 50, 100599, 2022
The rational SPDE approach for Gaussian random fields with general smoothness
D Bolin, K Kirchner
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 1-27, 2019
Geostatistical modelling using non‐Gaussian Matérn fields
J Wallin, D Bolin
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 42 (3), 872-890, 2015
Spatial Matérn fields driven by non-Gaussian noise
D Bolin
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 41 (3), 557–579, 2014
Numerical solution of fractional elliptic stochastic PDEs with spatial white noise
D Bolin, K Kirchner, M Kovács
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 40 (2), 1051–1073, 2018
A Bayesian general linear modeling approach to cortical surface fMRI data analysis
AF Mejia, Y Yue, D Bolin, F Lindgren, MA Lindquist
Journal of the American Statistical Association 115 (530), 501-520, 2020
Structure of plot systems and economic activity in cities: Linking plot types to retail and food services in London, Amsterdam and Stockholm
E Bobkova, L Marcus, M Berghauser Pont, I Stavroulaki, D Bolin
Urban Science 3 (3), 66, 2019
Fast Bayesian whole-brain fMRI analysis with spatial 3D priors
P Sidén, A Eklund, D Bolin, M Villani
NeuroImage 146, 211-225, 2017
Statistical modeling and estimation of censored pathloss data
C Gustafson, T Abbas, D Bolin, F Tufvesson
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 4 (5), 569-572, 2015
The COST IRACON geometry-based stochastic channel model for vehicle-to-vehicle communication in intersections
C Gustafson, K Mahler, D Bolin, F Tufvesson
IEEE transactions on vehicular technology 69 (3), 2365-2375, 2020
A comparison between Markov approximations and other methods for large spatial data sets
D Bolin, F Lindgren
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 61, 7-21, 2013
Multivariate type G Matérn stochastic partial differential equation random fields
D Bolin, J Wallin
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology …, 2020
Calculating probabilistic excursion sets and related quantities using excursions
D Bolin, F Lindgren
Journal of Statistical Software 86 (5), 1-20, 2018
Weak convergence of Galerkin approximations for fractional elliptic stochastic PDEs with spatial white noise
D Bolin, K Kirchner, M Kovács
BIT Numerical Mathematics 58 (4), 881-906, 2018
Prediction of diffusive transport through polymer films from characteristics of the pore geometry
S Barman, H Rootzén, D Bolin
AIChE Journal 65 (1), 446-457, 2019
A diffusion-based spatio-temporal extension of Gaussian Matérn fields (invited article with discussion)
F Lindgren, H Bakka, D Bolin, E Krainski, H Rue
SORT: statistics and operations research transactions, 0003-66, 2024
Linear mixed effects models for non‐Gaussian repeated measurement data
Ö Asar, D Bolin, PJ Diggle, J Wallin
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) 69 …, 2020
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