Christine R. Starr
Sandra Bem’s gender schema theory after 34 years: A review of its reach and impact
CR Starr, EL Zurbriggen
Sex Roles 76, 566-578, 2017
“I’m not a science nerd!” STEM stereotypes, identity, and motivation among undergraduate women
CR Starr
Psychology of Women Quarterly 42 (4), 489-503, 2018
Helping and hindering undergraduate women’s STEM motivation: Experiences with STEM encouragement, STEM-related gender bias, and sexual harassment
C Leaper, CR Starr
Psychology of Women Quarterly 43 (2), 165-183, 2019
Sexy dolls, sexy grade-schoolers? Media & maternal influences on young girls’ self-sexualization
CR Starr, GM Ferguson
Sex roles 67, 463-476, 2012
High school students’ math and science gender stereotypes: Relations with their STEM outcomes and socializers’ stereotypes
CR Starr, SD Simpkins
Social Psychology of Education 24 (1), 273-298, 2021
Engaging in science practices in classrooms predicts increases in undergraduates' STEM motivation, identity, and achievement: A short‐term longitudinal study
CR Starr, L Hunter, R Dunkin, S Honig, R Palomino, C Leaper
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 57 (7), 1093-1118, 2020
“I’ma computer scientist!”: Virtual reality experience influences stereotype threat and STEM motivation among undergraduate women
CR Starr, BR Anderson, KA Green
Journal of Science Education and Technology 28, 493-507, 2019
Do adolescents’ self-concepts moderate the relationship between STEM stereotypes and motivation?
CR Starr, C Leaper
Social Psychology of Education 22 (5), 1109-1129, 2019
Postconcussive complaints, cognition, symptom attribution and effort among veterans
EB Larson, BR Kondiles, CR Starr, FS Zollman
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 19 (1), 88-95, 2013
Black and Latinx adolescents’ STEM motivational beliefs: A systematic review of the literature on parent STEM support
CR Starr, N Tulagan, SD Simpkins
Educational Psychology Review 34 (4), 1877-1917, 2022
Traditional masculinity, help avoidance, and intrinsic interest in relation to high school students’ English and math performance.
C Leaper, T Farkas, CR Starr
Psychology of Men & Masculinities 20 (4), 603, 2019
Developmental trajectories of science identity beliefs: Within-group differences among Black, Latinx, Asian, and White students
K Puente, CR Starr, JS Eccles, SD Simpkins
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 50 (12), 2394-2411, 2021
Stability and changes in high school students' STEM career expectations: Variability based on STEM support and parent education
CR Starr, P Ramos Carranza, SD Simpkins
Journal of Adolescence 94 (6), 906-919, 2022
Self-sexualization in preadolescent girls: Associations with self-objectification, weight concerns, and parent’s academic expectations
CR Starr, EL Zurbriggen
International Journal of Behavioral Development 43 (6), 515-522, 2019
Memory deficits, postconcussive complaints, and posttraumatic stress disorder in a volunteer sample of veterans.
E Larson, F Zollman, B Kondiles, C Starr
Rehabilitation Psychology 58 (3), 245, 2013
Is There any Evidence of Historical Changes in Gender Differences in American High School Students’ Math Competence-Related Beliefs from the 1980s to the 2010s?
C Rubach, G Lee, CR Starr, Y Gao, N Safavian, AL Dicke, JS Eccles, ...
International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology 14 (2), 55-126, 2022
Parents’ math gender stereotypes and their correlates: An examination of the similarities and differences over the past 25 years
CR Starr, Y Gao, G Lee, N Safavian, C Rubach, AL Dicke, JS Eccles, ...
Sex Roles 87 (11), 603-619, 2022
An Objective look at Early Sexualization and the Media: Media and the Sexualization of Childhood. By Barrie Gunter, London, Routledge, 2014. 224 pp. $39.99 (paperback) ISBN …
C Starr
Sex roles 72 (1), 85-87, 2015
“Who’s Better at Math, Boys or Girls?”: Changes in Adolescents’ Math Gender Stereotypes and Their Motivational Beliefs from Early to Late Adolescence
CR Starr, Y Gao, C Rubach, G Lee, N Safavian, AL Dicke, JS Eccles, ...
Education Sciences 13 (9), 866, 2023
Method of assessment and symptom reporting in veterans with mild traumatic brain injury
BR Kondiles, CR Starr, EB Larson, F Zollman
Health psychology and behavioral medicine 3 (1), 1-11, 2015
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