Hugo Guillermo Jimenez Pacheco
Hugo Guillermo Jimenez Pacheco
Universidad Católica de Santa María
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A study of cooling rate of the supercooled water inside of cylindrical capsules
SL Braga, JJM Guzmán, HGJ Pacheco
international journal of refrigeration 32 (5), 953-959, 2009
Satisfacción con la vida en tiempos de pandemia: Un estudio en universitarios de la ciudad de Lima
D Arias-Chávez, H Jimenez-Pacheco, JE Postigo-Zumarán, ...
Revista Universidad y Sociedad 14 (5), 465-471, 2022
Box-Behnken response surface design for modeling and optimization of electrocoagulation for treating real textile wastewater
HGJ Pacheco, NYM Elguera, HDQ Sarka, M Ancco, KIB Eguiluz, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research 16 (4), 43, 2022
Cyanobacterial lifestyle and its applications in biotechnology
PK Singh, MF Fillat, A Kumar
Academic Press, 2021
Combined coagulation-electrocoagulation process using biocoagulant from the Opuntia ficus-indica for treatment of cheese whey wastewater
HGJ Pacheco, NY Elguera, M Ancco, AELF Castro, MEB Meza, ...
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 195 (4), 491, 2023
5 - Promises and challenges for expanding the use of N2-fixing cyanobacteria as a fertilizer for sustainable agriculture,
Rafael Ambrosio, Lara Sanchez Rizza, Mauro Do Nascimento, Hugo Guillermo ...
Cyanobacterial Lifestyle and its Applications in Biotechnology 2 …, 2022
Aguas residuales de industria láctea como alternativa sostenible para aumentar la productividad del maíz en Perú
MA Del Carpio Salas, M Ancco, AE Linares Flores Castro, R Ancco-Loza, ...
Revista de Investigaciones Altoandinas 23 (1), 26-36, 2021
Evaluación el Proceso de Biosorción de Cr (VI) Usando Residuos Agroindustriales de la Región Arequipa (Cascarilla de Arroz y Chala de Maíz.
JD Pacheco Portugal
Universidad Católica de Santa María, 2019
New Electrogenic Microorganism Citrobacter sp. Isolated from Microbial Fuel Cell and Bacterial Characteristics Determination
HG Jimenez Pacheco, AA Portocarrero Banda, EI Vilca Cayllahua, ...
Energies 16 (7), 3047, 2023
Treatment of textile wastewater by electrocoagulation process assisted with biocoagulant obtained from the pitahaya peels
NPLA Hugo Guillermo Jiménez Pacheco, Midwar Roly Ancco Mamani, Naysha ...
Desalination and Water Treatment 283 (283), 1-10, 2022
Bioremediation of chromium VI by applying Rhodopseudomonas palustris in industrial effluents coming from tannery
P Delgado-Sarmiento, A Durand, P Zegarra, H Jiménez, V Alvarez, ...
Revista Boliviana de Química 37 (1), 21-27, 2020
Transport coefficients of ice slurry in plate heat exchanger
HJ Pacheco, SL Braga
Evaluation of Cr(VI) Removal from Tanning Effluents Using Magnetic Nanoparticles of Fe3O4 Synthesized with Olea europaea Bone Extract
M Bejarano-Meza, FE Deza-Carrasco, S Salinas-Herrera, S Flores-Calla, ...
Molecules 29 (2), 534, 2024
Characterization analyzes in the geomechanical behavior of travertine rock
CA Luza Huillca, HG Jiménez Pacheco, LM Miranda Ramos, ...
SN Applied Sciences 5 (10), 267, 2023
New Electrogenic Microorganism Citrobacter sp. Isolated from Microbial Fuel Cell and Bacterial Characteristics Determination
HGJ Pacheco, AAP Banda, EIV Cayllahua, LMM Ramos, VLA Tohalino, ...
Energies 16 (7), 3047, 2023
Efectos del biocarbón obtenido a partir de residuos agrícolas de uva en la generación de biogás
I Diaz Vento, M Ancco, G Peña Davila, R Ancco-Loza, ...
Revista de Investigaciones Altoandinas 24 (4), 278-288, 2022
Production of Lactobionic Acid Using Gold Nanoparticles Synthesized with Fruit Myrciaria dubia Extract
EGGC Jeaneth M. Medina-Perez, Melanie A. Zegarra-Zegarra, Jose A. Villanueva ...
Journal of Nanotechnology 11 (33), 1-18, 2023
Influence of hydrodynamic parameters in plate heat exchangers in ice slurry transport
SLB Hugo Guillermo Jiménez Pacheco, Juan José Milon Guzmán, Lilia Mary ...
International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration 31 (16), 2-12, 2023
Microencapsulación de betacianina de Opuntia ficus-indica mediante liofilización y efecto en estabilidad y actividad antioxidante
JPP Frisancho, FJS Velarde, PZ Panca, LMM Ramos, PKD Sarmiento, ...
Revista Cubana de Farmacia 56 (1), 2023
Optimización de la curva de teñido de la de fibra de alpaca (Vicugna pacos) empleando alcohol graso etoxilado
RIC Guillen, ACC Garate, M Anco, LMM Ramos, HGJ Pacheco
Veritas 23 (1), 65-70, 2023
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