Rashid Ali
Next-generation internet of things (iot): Opportunities, challenges, and solutions
YB Zikria, R Ali, MK Afzal, SW Kim
Sensors 21 (4), 1174, 2021
Hybrid cache management in IoT-based named data networking
MA Naeem, TN Nguyen, R Ali, K Cengiz, Y Meng, T Khurshaid
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (10), 7140-7150, 2021
URLLC for 5G and beyond: Requirements, enabling incumbent technologies and network intelligence
R Ali, YB Zikria, AK Bashir, S Garg, HS Kim
IEEE Access 9, 67064-67095, 2021
Deep reinforcement learning paradigm for performance optimization of channel observation–based MAC protocols in dense WLANs
R Ali, N Shahin, YB Zikria, BS Kim, SW Kim
IEEE Access 7, 3500-3511, 2018
An overview of reinforcement learning algorithms for handover management in 5G ultra-dense small cell networks
J Tanveer, A Haider, R Ali, A Kim
Applied Sciences 12 (1), 426, 2022
Hybrid slotted-CSMA/CA-TDMA for efficient massive registration of IoT devices
N Shahin, R Ali, YT Kim
IEEE Access 6, 18366-18382, 2018
A periodic caching strategy solution for the smart city in information-centric Internet of Things
MA Naeem, R Ali, BS Kim, SA Nor, S Hassan
Sustainability 10 (7), 2576, 2018
Design of MAC layer resource allocation schemes for IEEE 802.11 ax: Future directions
R Ali, SW Kim, BS Kim, Y Park
IETE Technical Review 35 (1), 28-52, 2018
CBI4. 0: A cross-layer approach for big data gathering for active monitoring and maintenance in the manufacturing industry 4.0
M Faheem, RA Butt, R Ali, B Raza, MA Ngadi, VC Gungor
Journal of Industrial Information Integration 24, 100236, 2021
A federated reinforcement learning framework for incumbent technologies in beyond 5G networks
R Ali, YB Zikria, S Garg, AK Bashir, MS Obaidat, HS Kim
IEEE network 35 (4), 152-159, 2021
LWA in 5G: State-of-the-art architecture, opportunities, and research challenges
R Bajracharya, R Shrestha, R Ali, A Musaddiq, SW Kim
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (10), 134-141, 2018
Advancing the state of the fog computing to enable 5g network technologies
Y Meng, MA Naeem, AO Almagrabi, R Ali, HS Kim
Sensors 20 (6), 1754, 2020
Q-learning-enabled channel access in next-generation dense wireless networks for IoT-based eHealth systems
R Ali, YA Qadri, Y Bin Zikria, T Umer, BS Kim, SW Kim
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2019 (1), 178, 2019
Lahore's groundwater depletion-A review of the aquifer susceptibility to degradation and its consequences
S Kanwal, HF Gabriel, K Mahmood, R Ali, A Haidar, T Tehseen
University of Engineering and Technology Taxila. Technical Journal 20 (1), 26, 2015
Machine learning for physical layer in 5G and beyond wireless networks: A survey
J Tanveer, A Haider, R Ali, A Kim
Electronics 11 (1), 121, 2021
Enabling the content dissemination through caching in the state-of-the-art sustainable information and communication technologies
MA Naeem, R Ali, M Alazab, Y Meng, YB Zikria
Sustainable Cities and Society 61, 102291, 2020
The limitations in the state-of-the-art counter-measures against the security threats in H-IoT
YA Qadri, R Ali, A Musaddiq, F Al-Turjman, DW Kim, SW Kim
Cluster Computing 23, 2047-2065, 2020
EHCP: An efficient hybrid content placement strategy in named data network caching
Y Meng, MA Naeem, R Ali, BS Kim
IEEE access 7, 155601-155611, 2019
An intelligent deterministic D2D communication in narrow-band Internet of Things
A Nauman, MA Jamshed, Y Ahmad, R Ali, YB Zikria, SW Kim
2019 15th International wireless communications & mobile computing …, 2019
Cognitive backoff mechanism for IEEE802. 11ax high-efficiency WLANs
N Shahin, R Ali, SW Kim, YT Kim
Journal of Communications and Networks 21 (2), 158-167, 2019
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