Josef Novotný
On the measurement of regional inequality: does spatial dimension of income inequality matter?
J Novotný
The Annals of Regional Science 41, 563-580, 2007
Regional competitiveness in Central European countries: in search of a useful conceptual framework
J Ženka, J Novotný, P Csank
European planning studies 22 (1), 164-183, 2014
Building in or out? Examining urban expansion patterns and land use efficiency across the global sample of 466 cities with million+ inhabitants
S Chakraborty, I Maity, H Dadashpoor, J Novotnẏ, S Banerji
Habitat International 120, 102503, 2022
Contextual factors and motivations affecting rural community sanitation in low-and middle-income countries: A systematic review
J Novotný, J Hasman, M Lepič
International journal of hygiene and environmental health 221 (2), 121-133, 2018
Spatio-temporal patterns of urbanization in the Kolkata Urban Agglomeration: A dynamic spatial territory-based approach
S Chakraborty, I Maity, PP Patel, H Dadashpoor, S Pramanik, A Follmann, ...
Sustainable Cities and Society 67, 102715, 2021
Creative industries in the Czech Republic: a spatial perspective
O Slach, J Koutský, J Novotný, J Ženka
Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2013
Spatial distribution of knowledge-intensive business services in a small post-communist economy
J Ženka, J Novotný, O Slach, I Ivan
Journal of the knowledge economy 8, 385-406, 2017
Social determinants of environmental health: A case of sanitation in rural Jharkhand
J Novotný, F Ficek, JKW Hill, A Kumar
Science of the Total Environment 643, 762-774, 2018
Industrial specialization and economic performance: A case of Czech microregions
J Ženka, J Novotný, O Slach, V Květoň
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift-Norwegian Journal of Geography 69 (2), 67-79, 2015
In pursuit of sustainability–Spatio-temporal pathways of urban growth patterns in the world's largest megacities
S Chakraborty, H Dadashpoor, J Novotný, I Maity, A Follmann, PP Patel, ...
Cities 131, 103919, 2022
The role of perceived social norms in rural sanitation: an explorative study from infrastructure-restricted settings of South Ethiopia
J Novotný, J Kolomazníková, H Humňalová
International journal of environmental research and public health 14 (7), 794, 2017
Urban expansion of the 43 worlds’ largest megacities: A search for unified macro-patterns
J Novotný, S Chakraborty, I Maity
Habitat International 129, 102676, 2022
The level of knowledge about Islam and perception of Islam among Czech and Slovak university students: Does ignorance determine subjective attitudes
J Novotný, F Polonský
Sociologia 43 (6), 674-696, 2011
Konflikt světů a svět konfliktů: střety idejí a zájmů v současném světě
J Tomeš, D Festa, J Novotný
P3K, 2007
The Surname Space of the Czech Republic: Examining Population Structure by Network Analysis of Spatial Co-Occurrence of Surnames
J Novotný, JA Cheshire
PLOS ONE 7 (10), e48568, 2012
Rozmístění cizinců v Česku a jeho podmiňující faktory: pokus o kvantitativní analýzu
J Novotný, E Janská, D Čermáková
Geografie. Sbornik Ceské geografické spolecnosti 112 (2), 204-220, 2007
Fractals and the Korcak-law: a history and a correction
AR Imre, J Novotný
The European Physical Journal H, 1-23, 2016
A multi‐dimensional analysis of the impacts of the M ahatma G andhi N ational R ural E mployment G uarantee S cheme: A tale from T amil N adu
J Novotný, J Kubelková, V Joseph
Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 34 (3), 322-341, 2013
The anatomy of difference: comprehending the evolutionary dynamics of economic and spatial structure in the Austrian and Czech economies
J Novotný, J Blažek, V Květoň
European Planning Studies 24 (4), 788-808, 2016
Comprehending practitioners’ assessments of community-led total sanitation
F Ficek, J Novotný
Health Promotion International 34 (6), e129-e138, 2019
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
Straipsniai 1–20