Scott E. Grapin
Scott E. Grapin
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Multimodality in the new content standards era: Implications for English learners
S Grapin
Tesol Quarterly 53 (1), 30-55, 2019
Science and language integration with English learners: A conceptual framework guiding instructional materials development
O Lee, L Llosa, S Grapin, A Haas, M Goggins
Science Education 103 (2), 317-337, 2019
The role of phenomena and problems in science and STEM education: Traditional, contemporary, and future approaches
O Lee, SE Grapin
Journal of research in science teaching 59 (7), 1301-1309, 2022
Developing instructional materials aligned to the next generation science standards for all students, including English learners
A Haas, R Januszyk, SE Grapin, M Goggins, L Llosa, O Lee
Journal of Science Teacher Education 32 (7), 735-756, 2021
Precision: Toward a meaning-centered view of language use with English learners in the content areas
SE Grapin, L Llosa, A Haas, M Goggins, O Lee
Linguistics and Education 50, 71-83, 2019
Rethinking instructional strategies with English learners in the content areas
SE Grapin, L Llosa, A Haas, O Lee
TESOL journal 12 (2), e557, 2021
A disciplinary perspective on translanguaging
AE Pierson, SE Grapin
Bilingual Research Journal 44 (3), 318-334, 2021
Science education with multilingual learners: Equity as access and equity as transformation
SE Grapin, A Pierson, M González‐Howard, M Ryu, C Fine, S Vogel
Science Education 107 (4), 999-1032, 2023
Toward an integrative framework for understanding multimodal L2 writing in the content areas
SE Grapin, L Llosa
Journal of Second Language Writing 47, 100711, 2020
WIDA English language development standards framework, 2020 edition: Key shifts and emerging tensions
SE Grapin, O Lee
TESOL quarterly 56 (2), 827-839, 2022
Multimodal tasks to assess English learners and their peers in science
SE Grapin, L Llosa
Educational Assessment 27 (1), 46-70, 2022
How the NGSS science instructional shifts and language instructional shifts support each other for English learners: Talk in the science classroom
O Lee, S Grapin, A Haas
Language, literacy, and learning in the STEM disciplines, 35-52, 2018
How fifth-grade English learners engage in systems thinking using computational models
A Haas, SE Grapin, D Wendel, L Llosa, O Lee
Systems 8 (4), 47, 2020
Affordances of computational models for English learners in science instruction: Conceptual foundation and initial inquiry
SE Grapin, L Llosa, A Haas, O Lee
Journal of Science Education and Technology 31, 52-67, 2022
Toward asset‐oriented and definitionally clear terminology: A comment on González‐Howard and Suárez (2021).
SE Grapin
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 58 (5), 2021
Assessment of English learners and their peers in the content areas: Expanding what “counts” as evidence of content learning
SE Grapin
Language Assessment Quarterly 20 (2), 215-234, 2023
Dynamic assessment of English learners in the content areas: An exploratory study in fifth‐grade science
SE Grapin, L Llosa
TESOL quarterly 56 (1), 201-229, 2022
Disciplinary Practices with Multilingual Learners in the Content Areas: Investigating Grasp of Practice in Fifth-Grade Science
SE Grapin, L Llosa, O Lee
Journal of Language, Identity & Education 23 (4), 590-605, 2024
Teacher professional development programs integrating science and language with multilingual learners: A conceptual framework
O Lee, S Grapin, A Haas
Science Education 107 (5), 1302-1323, 2023
Language for specific purposes testing: a historical review
SE Grapin
Studies in Applied Linguistics and TESOL 17 (2), 2017
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