Dusan Fister
Dusan Fister
University of Maribor
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
A brief review of nature-inspired algorithms for optimization
I Fister Jr, XS Yang, I Fister, J Brest, D Fister
arXiv preprint arXiv:1307.4186, 2013
A hybrid bat algorithm
I Fister Jr, D Fister, XS Yang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1303.6310, 2013
Cuckoo search: a brief literature review
I Fister, XS Yang, D Fister, I Fister
Cuckoo search and firefly algorithm: Theory and applications, 49-62, 2014
A comprehensive review of cuckoo search: variants and hybrids
I Fister Jr, D Fister, I Fister
International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation 4 …, 2013
Parameter tuning of PID controller with reactive nature-inspired algorithms
D Fister, I Fister Jr, I Fister, R Šafarič
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 84, 64-75, 2016
NiaPy: Python microframework for building nature-inspired algorithms
G Vrbančič, L Brezočnik, U Mlakar, D Fister, I Fister
Journal of Open Source Software 3 (23), 613, 2018
Firefly algorithm: a brief review of the expanding literature
I Fister, XS Yang, D Fister, I Fister
Cuckoo search and firefly algorithm: theory and applications, 347-360, 2014
Data mining in sporting activities created by sports trackers
I Fister Jr, D Fister, I Fister, S Fong
Computational and Business Intelligence (ISCBI), 2013 International …, 2013
Computational intelligence in sports
I Fister, I Fister Jr, D Fister
Springer, 2019
Accurate long-term air temperature prediction with machine learning models and data reduction techniques
D Fister, J Pérez-Aracil, C Peláez-Rodríguez, J Del Ser, S Salcedo-Sanz
Applied Soft Computing 136, 110118, 2023
Post hoc analysis of sport performance with differential evolution
I Fister, D Fister, S Deb, U Mlakar, J Brest, I Fister
Neural Computing and Applications 32, 10799-10808, 2020
Analysis, characterization, prediction, and attribution of extreme atmospheric events with machine learning and deep learning techniques: a review
S Salcedo-Sanz, J Pérez-Aracil, G Ascenso, J Del Ser, D Casillas-Pérez, ...
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 155 (1), 1-44, 2024
Two robust long short-term memory frameworks for trading stocks
D Fister, M Perc, T Jagrič
Applied Intelligence 51 (10), 7177-7195, 2021
A brief review of nature-inspired algorithms for optimization. arXiv 2013
I Fister Jr, XS Yang, I Fister, J Brest, D Fister
arXiv preprint arXiv:1307.4186, 0
Generating eating plans for athletes using the particle swarm optimization
D Fister, I Fister, S Rauter
2016 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and …, 2016
Deep learning for stock market trading: a superior trading strategy?
D Fister, JC Mun, V Jagri, T Jagri
Neural Network World, 2019
Analysis of randomisation methods in swarm intelligence
IF Jr, XS Yang, J Brest, D Fister, I Fister
International journal of bio-inspired computation 7 (1), 36-49, 2015
A comprehensive review of visualization methods for association rule mining: Taxonomy, challenges, open problems and future ideas
I Fister Jr, I Fister, D Fister, V Podgorelec, S Salcedo-Sanz
Expert Systems with Applications 233, 120901, 2023
Towards the novel reasoning among particles in PSO by the use of RDF and SPARQL
I Fister Jr, XS Yang, K Ljubič, D Fister, J Brest, I Fister
The Scientific World Journal 2014 (1), 121782, 2014
Differential evolution strategies with random forest regression in the bat algorithm
I Fister Jr, D Fister, I Fister
Proceedings of the 15th annual conference companion on Genetic and …, 2013
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