Sharifah Badriyah Alhadad
Sharifah Badriyah Alhadad
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Efficacy of heat mitigation strategies on core temperature and endurance exercise: a meta-analysis
SB Alhadad, PMS Tan, JKW Lee
Frontiers in physiology 10, 71, 2019
Project Coolbit: can your watch predict heat stress and thermal comfort sensation?
N Nazarian, S Liu, M Kohler, JKW Lee, C Miller, WTL Chow, SB Alhadad, ...
Environmental Research Letters 16 (3), 034031, 2021
Heat stress and thermal perception amongst healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in India and Singapore
J Lee, V Venugopal, PK Latha, SB Alhadad, CHW Leow, NYD Goh, E Tan, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (21), 8100, 2020
Thermoregulatory responses to ice slurry ingestion during low and moderate intensity exercises with restrictive heat loss
SB Alhadad, ICC Low, JKW Lee
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 24 (1), 105-109, 2021
Elevated brain temperature under severe heat exposure impairs cortical motor activity and executive function
XR Tan, MC Stephenson, SB Alhadad, KWZ Loh, TW Soong, JKW Lee, ...
Journal of Sport and Health Science 13 (2), 233-244, 2024
The effects of low and normal dose ice slurry ingestion on endurance capacity and intestinal epithelial injury in the heat
SB Alhadad, MCY Chua, JKW Lee, ICC Low
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 26 (6), 278-284, 2023
Efficacy of heat mitigation strategies on core temperature and endurance exercise: a metaanalysis. Front Physiol. 2019; 10: 71
SB Alhadad, PMS Tan, JKW Lee
Project CoolBit Updates: Personal Thermal Comfort Assessments using Wearable Devices.
N Nazarian, C Miller, L Norford, M Kohler, W Chow, JLK Wei, SB Alhadad, ...
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
Ice Slurry Ingestion Reduces Serum Cortisol Concentrations Independent Of Physiological Strain Following Treadmill Running: 121
SB Alhadad, M Chua, JKW Lee, ICC Low
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 53 (8S), 36-37, 2021
Physical Work in Humid Heat Impairs Postural Balance during Simulated Construction Tasks at Height
BWL Tan, SB Alhadad, GZY Tan, PTM Sze, B Lemke, JKW Lee
Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 2025
Effects of heat exposure and ice slurry ingestion on risk-taking behavior in healthcare workers
SB Alhadad, R Ponampalam, LSX Lim, ICC Low, R Kshitij, ABA Karim, ...
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 56 (10), 2016, 2024
Exertional, But Not Passive, Hyperthermia Increases Gastrointestinal Permeability: 989
SB Alhadad, LLS Xian, HY Joon, JLK Wei, ILC Chiet
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 54 (9S), 245, 2022
Efficacy of Ice Slurry Ingestion on the Management of Human Performance and Health During Heat Exposure
SBBSA Alhadad
PQDT-Global, 2021
Heat Stress and Thermal Perceptions Amongst Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Developed and Developing Countries
DJ Lee, V Venugopal, PK Latha, S Alhadad, C Leow, NYD Goh, E Tan, ...
Available at SSRN 3679993, 2020
Project HeatSafe: Effects of Physical Work in Humid Heat on Construction-specific Task Performance in Tropical Natives.
SB Alhadad, BWL Tan, GZY Tan, JKW Lee
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