Phyllis Butow
Phyllis Butow
Nežinomas ryšys
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Genome-wide association study identifies novel breast cancer susceptibility loci
DF Easton, KA Pooley, AM Dunning, PDP Pharoah, D Thompson, ...
Nature 447 (7148), 1087-1093, 2007
Developing a quality criteria framework for patient decision aids: online international Delphi consensus process
G Elwyn, A O'Connor, D Stacey, R Volk, A Edwards, A Coulter, ...
Bmj 333 (7565), 417, 2006
What are the unmet supportive care needs of people with cancer? A systematic review
JD Harrison, JM Young, MA Price, PN Butow, MJ Solomon
Supportive care in cancer 17, 1117-1128, 2009
Communicating with realism and hope: incurable cancer patients' views on the disclosure of prognosis
RG Hagerty, PN Butow, PM Ellis, EA Lobb, SC Pendlebury, N Leighl, ...
Journal of clinical oncology 23 (6), 1278-1288, 2005
The dynamics of change: cancer patients' preferences for information, involvement and support
PN Butow, M Maclean, SM Dunn, MHN Tattersall, MJ Boyer
Annals of Oncology 8 (9), 857-863, 1997
A systematic review of prognostic/end-of-life communication with adults in the advanced stages of a life-limiting illness: patient/caregiver preferences for the content, style …
SM Parker, JM Clayton, K Hancock, S Walder, PN Butow, S Carrick, ...
Journal of pain and symptom management 34 (1), 81-93, 2007
Sharing decisions in cancer care
M Gattellari, PN Butow, MHN Tattersall
Social science & medicine 52 (12), 1865-1878, 2001
Communicating prognosis in cancer care: a systematic review of the literature
RG Hagerty, PN Butow, PM Ellis, S Dimitry, MHN Tattersall
Annals of oncology 16 (7), 1005-1053, 2005
Cancer patient preferences for communication of prognosis in the metastatic setting
RG Hagerty, PN Butow, PA Ellis, EA Lobb, S Pendlebury, N Leighl, ...
Journal of clinical oncology 22 (9), 1721-1730, 2004
What do cancer support groups provide which other supportive relationships do not? The experience of peer support groups for people with cancer
J Ussher, L Kirsten, P Butow, M Sandoval
Social science & medicine 62 (10), 2565-2576, 2006
From normal response to clinical problem: definition and clinical features of fear of cancer recurrence
S Lebel, G Ozakinci, G Humphris, B Mutsaers, B Thewes, J Prins, A Dinkel, ...
Supportive Care in Cancer 24, 3265-3268, 2016
Clinical trials in children
PHY Caldwell, SB Murphy, PN Butow, JC Craig
The Lancet 364 (9436), 803-811, 2004
Psychological responses of patients receiving a diagnosis of cancer
PE Schofield, PN Butow, JF Thompson, MHN Tattersall, LJ Beeney, ...
Annals of oncology 14 (1), 48-56, 2003
On the receiving end V: patient perceptions of the side effects of cancer chemotherapy in 1993
AM Griffin, PN Butow, AS Coates, AM Childs, PM Ellis, SM Dunn, ...
Annals of oncology 7 (2), 189-195, 1996
Truth-telling in discussing prognosis in advanced life-limiting illnesses: a systematic review
K Hancock, JM Clayton, SM Parker, S Wal der, PN Butow, S Carrick, ...
Palliative medicine 21 (6), 507-517, 2007
The communication goals and needs of cancer patients: a review
TF Hack, LF Degner, PA Parker
Psycho‐Oncology: Journal of the Psychological, Social and Behavioral …, 2005
When the diagnosis is cancer: patient communication experiences and preferences
PN Butow, JN Kazemi, LJ Beeney, AM Griffin, SM Dunn, MHN Tattersall
Cancer: Interdisciplinary International Journal of the American Cancer …, 1996
The psychosocial needs of breast cancer survivors; a qualitative study of the shared and unique needs of younger versus older survivors
B Thewes, P Butow, A Girgis, S Pendlebury
Psycho‐Oncology: Journal of the Psychological, Social and Behavioral …, 2004
Clinical practice guidelines for communicating prognosis and end-of-life issues with adults in the advanced stages of a life-limiting illness, and their caregivers
JM Clayton, KM Hancock, PN Butow, MHN Tattersall, DC Currow
The Medical Journal of Australia 186 (12), S77, 2007
Effective health communication–a key factor in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic
A Finset, H Bosworth, P Butow, P Gulbrandsen, RL Hulsman, AH Pieterse, ...
Patient education and counseling 103 (5), 873, 2020
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