Mathijs Janssen
Mathijs Janssen
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Heat-to-current conversion of low-grade heat from a thermocapacitive cycle by supercapacitors
A Härtel, M Janssen, D Weingarth, V Presser, R Van Roij
Energy & Environmental Science 8 (8), 2396-2401, 2015
Blessing and curse: how a supercapacitor’s large capacitance causes its slow charging
C Lian*, M Janssen*, H Liu, R van Roij
Physical review letters 124 (7), 076001, 2020
Boosting capacitive blue-energy and desalination devices with waste heat
M Janssen, A Härtel, R Van Roij
Physical review letters 113 (26), 268501, 2014
How to speed up ion transport in nanopores
K Breitsprecher, M Janssen, P Srimuk, BL Mehdi, V Presser, C Holm, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 6085, 2020
Fundamental measure theory for the electric double layer: implications for blue-energy harvesting and water desalination
A Härtel, M Janssen, S Samin, R Van Roij
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27 (19), 194129, 2015
Reversible heating in electric double layer capacitors
M Janssen, R van Roij
Physical review letters 118 (9), 096001, 2017
Transient dynamics of electric double-layer capacitors: Exact expressions within the Debye-Falkenhagen approximation
M Janssen, M Bier
Physical Review E 97 (5), 052616, 2018
ELECTRODE: An electrochemistry package for atomistic simulations
LJV Ahrens-Iwers, M Janssen, SR Tee, RH Meißner
The journal of chemical physics 157 (8), 2022
From frequency domain to time transient methods for halide perovskite solar cells: The connections of IMPS, IMVS, TPC, and TPV
J Bisquert, M Janssen
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12 (33), 7964-7971, 2021
Coulometry and calorimetry of electric double layer formation in porous electrodes
M Janssen, E Griffioen, PM Biesheuvel, R Van Roij, B Erné
Physical review letters 119 (16), 166002, 2017
Transmission line circuit and equation for an electrolyte-filled pore of finite length
M Janssen
Physical review letters 126 (13), 136002, 2021
Curvature affects electrolyte relaxation: Studies of spherical and cylindrical electrodes
M Janssen
Physical Review E 100 (4), 042602, 2019
Simulating the charging of cylindrical electrolyte-filled pores with the modified Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations
J Yang*, M Janssen*, C Lian, R van Roij
The Journal of Chemical Physics 156 (21), 214105, 2022
Locating the frequency of turnover in thin-film diffusion impedance
M Janssen, J Bisquert
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 (28), 15737-15741, 2021
Transient response of an electrolyte to a thermal quench
M Janssen, M Bier
Physical Review E 99 (4), 042136, 2019
Dynamic density functional theory for the charging of electric double layer capacitors
K Ma*, M Janssen*, C Lian, R van Roij
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2022
Driving an electrolyte through a corrugated nanopore
P Malgaretti, M Janssen, I Pagonabarraga, JM Rubi
The Journal of chemical physics 151 (8), 2019
On the time-dependent electrolyte Seebeck effect
AL Sehnem, M Janssen
The Journal of chemical physics 154 (16), 2021
Analytical solution to the Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations for the charging of a long electrolyte-filled slit pore
T Aslyamov, M Janssen
Electrochimica Acta, 140555, 2022
Equivalent Circuit and Continuum Modeling of the Impedance of Electrolyte-Filled Pores
C Pedersen, T Aslyamov, M Janssen
PRX Energy 2, 043006, 2023
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