Felipe A. Pinheiro
Probing Anderson localization of light via decay rate statistics
FA Pinheiro, M Rusek, A Orlowski, BA Van Tiggelen
Physical Review E 69 (2), 026605, 2004
Fast and robust quantum state transfer in a topological Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chain with next-to-nearest-neighbor interactions
FM d'Angelis, FA Pinheiro, D Guéry-Odelin, S Longhi, F Impens
Physical Review Research 2 (3), 033475, 2020
New effects in light scattering in disordered media and coherent backscattering cone: systems of magnetic particles
FA Pinheiro, AS Martinez, LC Sampaio
Physical review letters 84 (7), 1435, 2000
Active magneto-optical control of spontaneous emission in graphene
WJM Kort-Kamp, B Amorim, G Bastos, FA Pinheiro, FSS Rosa, ...
Physical Review B 92 (20), 205415, 2015
Photonic spin Hall effect in bilayer graphene moiré superlattices
WJM Kort-Kamp, FJ Culchac, RB Capaz, FA Pinheiro
Physical Review B 98 (19), 195431, 2018
Suppression of Anderson localization of light and Brewster anomalies in disordered superlattices containing a dispersive metamaterial
D Mogilevtsev, FA Pinheiro, RR Dos Santos, SB Cavalcanti, LE Oliveira
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (8), 081105, 2010
Enantioselective manipulation of single chiral nanoparticles using optical tweezers
R Ali, FA Pinheiro, RS Dutra, FSS Rosa, PAM Neto
Nanoscale 12 (8), 5031-5037, 2020
Lasing threshold of diffusive random lasers in three dimensions
FA Pinheiro, LC Sampaio
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 73 (1), 013826, 2006
Tuning plasmonic cloaks with an external magnetic field
WJM Kort-Kamp, FSS Rosa, FA Pinheiro, C Farina
Physical review letters 111 (21), 215504, 2013
Tuning the Casimir-Polder interaction via magneto-optical effects in graphene
T Cysne, WJM Kort-Kamp, D Oliver, FA Pinheiro, FSS Rosa, C Farina
Physical Review A 90 (5), 052511, 2014
Structural and spectral properties of deterministic aperiodic optical structures
L Dal Negro, R Wang, FA Pinheiro
Crystals 6 (12), 161, 2016
Adiabatic charge pumping through quantum dots in the Coulomb blockade regime
AR Hernández, FA Pinheiro, CH Lewenkopf, ER Mucciolo
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (11), 115311, 2009
Spontaneous emission in the presence of a spherical plasmonic metamaterial
WJM Kort-Kamp, FSS Rosa, FA Pinheiro, C Farina
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (2), 023837, 2013
Unconventional Fano effect and off-resonance field enhancement in plasmonic coated spheres
TJ Arruda, AS Martinez, FA Pinheiro
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (4), 043841, 2013
Localization of scattering resonances in aperiodic Vogel spirals
F Sgrignuoli, R Wang, FA Pinheiro, L Dal Negro
Physical Review B 99 (10), 104202, 2019
Light propagation and Anderson localization in disordered superlattices containing dispersive metamaterials: effects of correlated disorder
D Mogilevtsev, FA Pinheiro, RR Dos Santos, SB Cavalcanti, LE Oliveira
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (9), 094204, 2011
Vanishing of energy transport velocity and diffusion constant of electromagnetic waves in disordered magnetic media
FA Pinheiro, AS Martinez, LC Sampaio
Physical Review Letters 85 (26), 5563, 2000
Electromagnetic energy and negative asymmetry parameters in coated magneto-optical cylinders: Applications to tunable light transport in disordered systems
TJ Arruda, AS Martinez, FA Pinheiro
Physical Review A 94 (3), 033825, 2016
Edge modes of scattering chains with aperiodic order
R Wang, M Röntgen, CV Morfonios, FA Pinheiro, P Schmelcher, ...
Optics Letters 43 (9), 1986-1989, 2018
Statistics of quality factors in three-dimensional disordered magneto-optical systems and its applications to random lasers
FA Pinheiro
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 78 (2), 023812, 2008
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