Stanislav I. Stoliarov
A review of lithium ion battery failure mechanisms and fire prevention strategies
Q Wang, B Mao, SI Stoliarov, J Sun
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 73, 95-131, 2019
Prediction of the burning rates of non-charring polymers
SI Stoliarov, S Crowley, RE Lyon, GT Linteris
Combustion and Flame 156 (5), 1068-1083, 2009
Comprehensive calorimetry of the thermally-induced failure of a lithium ion battery
X Liu, SI Stoliarov, M Denlinger, A Masias, K Snyder
Journal of Power Sources 280, 516-525, 2015
Determination of the heats of gasification of polymers using differential scanning calorimetry
SI Stoliarov, RN Walters
Polymer Degradation and Stability 93 (2), 422-427, 2008
Screening flame retardants for plastics using microscale combustion calorimetry
RE Lyon, RN Walters, SI Stoliarov
Polymer Engineering & Science 47 (10), 1501-1510, 2007
Measurement of kinetics and thermodynamics of the thermal degradation for non-charring polymers
J Li, SI Stoliarov
Combustion and Flame 160 (7), 1287-1297, 2013
Heat release during thermally-induced failure of a lithium ion battery: Impact of cathode composition
X Liu, Z Wu, SI Stoliarov, M Denlinger, A Masias, K Snyder
Fire Safety Journal 85, 10-22, 2016
Prediction of the burning rates of charring polymers
SI Stoliarov, S Crowley, RN Walters, RE Lyon
Combustion and Flame 157 (11), 2024-2034, 2010
A reactive molecular dynamics model of thermal decomposition in polymers: I. Poly (methyl methacrylate)
SI Stoliarov, PR Westmoreland, MR Nyden, GP Forney
Polymer 44 (3), 883-894, 2003
Investigation of the thermal decomposition and flammability of PEEK and its carbon and glass-fibre composites
P Patel, TR Hull, RE Lyon, SI Stoliarov, RN Walters, S Crowley, ...
Polymer degradation and stability 96 (1), 12-22, 2011
Thermo-kinetic model of burning for pyrolyzing materials
SI Stoliarov, RE Lyon
Fire Safety Science 9, 1141-1152, 2008
Comprehensive analysis of dynamics and hazards associated with cascading failure in 18650 lithium ion cell arrays
AO Said, C Lee, SI Stoliarov, AW Marshall
Applied Energy 248, 415-428, 2019
Kinetics of the C2H3 + H2 ⇄ H + C2H4 and CH3 + H2 ⇄ H + CH4 Reactions
VD Knyazev, Á Bencsura, SI Stoliarov, IR Slagle
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 100 (27), 11346-11354, 1996
Experimental investigation of cascading failure in 18650 lithium ion cell arrays: Impact of cathode chemistry
AO Said, C Lee, SI Stoliarov
Journal of Power Sources 446, 227347, 2020
A molecular basis for polymer flammability
RE Lyon, MT Takemori, N Safronava, SI Stoliarov, RN Walters
Polymer 50 (12), 2608-2617, 2009
Thermal analysis of flammability
R Lyon, R Walters, S Stoliarov
Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry 89 (2), 441-448, 2007
Gasification experiments for pyrolysis model parameterization and validation
J Li, J Gong, SI Stoliarov
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 77, 738-744, 2014
Two‐dimensional model of burning for pyrolyzable solids
SI Stoliarov, IT Leventon, RE Lyon
Fire and Materials 38 (3), 391-408, 2014
Measurement of kinetics and thermodynamics of the thermal degradation for charring polymers
J Li, SI Stoliarov
Polymer Degradation and Stability 106, 2-15, 2014
The effect of variation in polymer properties on the rate of burning
SI Stoliarov, N Safronava, RE Lyon
Fire and Materials: An International Journal 33 (6), 257-271, 2009
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