Michele Paternoster
Michele Paternoster
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Tracing groundwater salinization processes in coastal aquifers: a hydrogeochemical and isotopic approach in the Na-Cl brackish waters of northwestern Sardinia, Italy
G Mongelli, S Monni, G Oggiano, M Paternoster, R Sinisi
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17 (7), 2917-2928, 2013
Stable isotope ratios in meteoric recharge and groundwater at Mt. Vulture volcano, southern Italy
M Paternoster, M Liotta, R Favara
Journal of Hydrology 348 (1-2), 87-97, 2008
Trace element distribution and Cr (VI) speciation in Ca-HCO3 and Mg-HCO3 spring waters from the northern sector of the Pollino massif, southern Italy
S Margiotta, G Mongelli, V Summa, M Paternoster, S Fiore
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 115, 1-12, 2012
New insights into magma dynamics during last two eruptions of Mount Etna as inferred by geochemical monitoring from 2002 to 2005
A Rizzo, A Caracausi, R Favara, M Martelli, A Paonita, M Paternoster, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 7 (6), 2006
Mantle CO2 degassing at Mt. Vulture volcano (Italy): Relationship between CO2 outgassing of volcanoes and the time of their last eruption
A Caracausi, M Paternoster, PM Nuccio
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 411, 268-280, 2015
Groundwater recharge areas of a volcanic aquifer system inferred from hydraulic, hydrogeochemical and stable isotope data: Mount Vulture, southern Italy
S Parisi, M Paternoster, CR Kohfahl, A Pekdeger, HW Hubberten, ...
Springer Nature, 2011
Gas hazard assessment at the Monticchio crater lakes of Mt. Vulture, a volcano in Southern Italy
A Caracausi, PM Nuccio, R Favara, M Nicolosi, M Paternoster
Terra Nova 21 (2), 83-87, 2009
Serpentinite carbonation for CO2 sequestration in the southern Apennines: preliminary study
MC Dichicco, S Laurita, M Paternoster, G Rizzo, R Sinisi, G Mongelli
Energy Procedia 76, 477-486, 2015
Radiogenic helium degassing and rock fracturing: A case study of the southern Apennines active tectonic region
A Caracausi, M Paternoster
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120 (4), 2200-2211, 2015
Active degassing of mantle-derived fluid: A geochemical study along the Vulture line, southern Apennines (Italy)
A Caracausi, M Martelli, PM Nuccio, M Paternoster, FM Stuart
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 253, 65-74, 2013
Fluid geochemistry in a low-enthalpy geothermal field along a sector of southern Apennines chain (Italy)
C Apollaro, A Caracausi, M Paternoster, P Randazzo, A Aiuppa, ...
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 219, 106618, 2020
Source and mobility of minor and trace elements in a volcanic aquifer system: Mt. Vulture (southern Italy)
S Parisi, M Paternoster, F Perri, G Mongelli
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 110 (3), 233-244, 2011
Rare earth elements distribution and geochemical behaviour in the volcanic groundwaters of Mount Vulture, southern Italy
F Deluca, G Mongelli, M Paternoster, Y Zhu
Chemical Geology 539, 119503, 2020
Groundwaters of Mt. Vulture volcano, southern Italy: chemistry and sulfur isotope composition of dissolved sulfate
M Paternoster, S Parisi, A Caracausi, R Favara, G Mongelli
Geochemical Journal 44 (2), 125-135, 2010
Significance of earthquake‐related anomalies in fluids of Val D’Agri (southern Italy)
F Italiano, M Martelli, G Martinelli, PM Nuccio, M Paternoster
Terra Nova 13 (4), 249-257, 2001
Earthquakes control the impulsive nature of crustal helium degassing to the atmosphere
A Caracausi, D Buttitta, M Picozzi, M Paternoster, TA Stabile
Communications Earth & Environment 3 (1), 224, 2022
Geochemistry of two contrasting deep fluids in the Sardinia microplate (western Mediterranean): Relationships with tectonics and heat sources
M Paternoster, G Oggiano, R Sinisi, A Caracausi, G Mongelli
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 336, 108-117, 2017
Contrasting fault fluids along high-angle faults: a case study from Southern Apennines (Italy)
R Sinisi, AV Petrullo, F Agosta, M Paternoster, C Belviso, F Grassa
Tectonophysics 690, 206-218, 2016
Mineralogical asbestos assessment in the southern Apennines (Italy): A review
MC Dichicco, M Paternoster, G Rizzo, R Sinisi
Fibers 7 (3), 24, 2019
Hydrogeochemistry and groundwater quality assessment in the High Agri Valley (Southern Italy)
M Paternoster, R Buccione, F Canora, D Buttitta, S Panebianco, G Rizzo, ...
Geofluids 2021 (1), 6664164, 2021
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