Michael Furlong
Michael Furlong
National Research Council of Canada; Univeristy of Waterloo
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Multi-modal active perception for information gathering in science missions
A Arora, PM Furlong, R Fitch, S Sukkarieh, T Fong
Autonomous Robots 43, 1827-1853, 2019
Planetary rover simulation for lunar exploration missions
M Allan, U Wong, PM Furlong, A Rogg, S McMichael, T Welsh, I Chen, ...
2019 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 1-19, 2019
Dissociable contributions of ventromedial prefrontal and posterior parietal cortex to value-guided choice
G Jocham, PM Furlong, IL Kröger, MC Kahn, LT Hunt, TEJ Behrens
NeuroImage 100, 498-506, 2014
Multi-armed recommendation bandits for selecting state machine policies for robotic systems
P Matikainen, PM Furlong, R Sukthankar, M Hebert
2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 4545-4551, 2013
Neurobench: Advancing neuromorphic computing through collaborative, fair and representative benchmarking
J Yik, SH Ahmed, Z Ahmed, B Anderson, AG Andreou, C Bartolozzi, ...
arXiv 2023, 2304.04640 v2, 2023
Science autonomy for rover subsurface exploration of the atacama desert
D Wettergreen, G Foil, M Furlong, DR Thompson
AI Magazine 35 (4), 47-60, 2014
Failure is not an option: Policy learning for adaptive recovery in space operations
S McGuire, PM Furlong, C Heckman, S Julier, D Szafir, N Ahmed
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 3 (3), 1639-1646, 2018
The neurobench framework for benchmarking neuromorphic computing algorithms and systems
J Yik, K Van den Berghe, D den Blanken, Y Bouhadjar, M Fabre, ...
Nature Communications 16 (1), 1545, 2025
Adaptive meta-learning for identification of rover-terrain dynamics
S Banerjee, J Harrison, PM Furlong, M Pavone
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.10191, 2020
Fractional binding in vector symbolic architectures as quasi-probability statements
M Furlong, C Eliasmith
Proceedings of the annual meeting of the cognitive science society 44 (44), 2022
Spatio-spectral exploration combining in situ and remote measurements
D Thompson, D Wettergreen, G Foil, M Furlong, A Kiran
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 29 (1), 2015
Everybody needs somebody sometimes: Validation of adaptive recovery in robotic space operations
S McGuire, PM Furlong, T Fong, C Heckman, D Szafir, SJ Julier, N Ahmed
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 4 (2), 1216-1223, 2019
Polar optical lunar analog reconstruction (polar) stereo dataset
U Wong, A Nefian, L Edwards, X Buoyssounouse, PM Furlong, M Deans, ...
NASA Ames Research Center, 2017
Exploiting semantic information in a spiking neural SLAM system
NSY Dumont, PM Furlong, J Orchard, C Eliasmith
Frontiers in Neuroscience 17, 1190515, 2023
Fractional binding in vector symbolic representations for efficient mutual information exploration
PM Furlong, TC Stewart, C Eliasmith
Proceedings of the ICRA Workshop: Towards Curious Robots: Modern Approaches …, 2022
Online multi-modal learning and adaptive informative trajectory planning for autonomous exploration
A Arora, PM Furlong, R Fitch, T Fong, S Sukkarieh, R Elphic
Field and Service Robotics: Results of the 11th International Conference …, 2018
Biologically-based computation: How neural details and dynamics are suited for implementing a variety of algorithms
NSY Dumont, A Stöckel, PM Furlong, M Bartlett, C Eliasmith, TC Stewart
Brain Sciences 13 (2), 245, 2023
Adaptive sensing of time series with application to remote exploration
DR Thompson, NA Cabrol, M Furlong, C Hardgrove, BKH Low, J Moersch, ...
2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 3463-3468, 2013
Advancing the scientific frontier with increasingly autonomous systems
R Amini, A Azari, S Bhaskaran, P Beauchamp, J Castillo-Rogez, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.07363, 2020
What the Atacama can tell us about subsurface Mars
A Dave, M Wilhelm, T Stucky, MP Furlong, K Bywaters, B Glass, ...
16th Biennial International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction …, 2018
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