mathieu boccard
mathieu boccard
Patvirtintas el. paštas
23.6%-efficient monolithic perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells with improved stability
KA Bush, AF Palmstrom, ZJ Yu, M Boccard, R Cheacharoen, JP Mailoa, ...
Nature Energy 2 (4), 1-7, 2017
Fully textured monolithic perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells with 25.2% power conversion efficiency
F Sahli, J Werner, BA Kamino, M Bräuninger, R Monnard, ...
Nature materials 17 (9), 820-826, 2018
Light trapping in solar cells: can periodic beat random?
C Battaglia, CM Hsu, K Söderström, J Escarré, FJ Haug, M Charrière, ...
ACS nano 6 (3), 2790-2797, 2012
Status and perspectives of crystalline silicon photovoltaics in research and industry
C Ballif, FJ Haug, M Boccard, PJ Verlinden, G Hahn
Nature Reviews Materials 7 (8), 597-616, 2022
Efficient semitransparent perovskite solar cells for 23.0%‐efficiency perovskite/silicon four‐terminal tandem cells
B Chen, Y Bai, Z Yu, T Li, X Zheng, Q Dong, L Shen, M Boccard, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 6 (19), 1601128, 2016
23.5%-efficient silicon heterojunction silicon solar cell using molybdenum oxide as hole-selective contact
J Dréon, Q Jeangros, J Cattin, J Haschke, L Antognini, C Ballif, M Boccard
Nano Energy 70, 104495, 2020
Monocrystalline CdTe solar cells with open-circuit voltage over 1 V and efficiency of 17%
Y Zhao, M Boccard, S Liu, J Becker, XH Zhao, CM Campbell, E Suarez, ...
Nature Energy 1 (6), 16067, 2016
Interface passivation for 31.25%-efficient perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells
XY Chin, D Turkay, JA Steele, S Tabean, S Eswara, M Mensi, P Fiala, ...
Science 381 (6653), 59-63, 2023
High-Efficiency Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells: Materials, Devices and Applications
Y Liu, Y Li, Y Wu, G Yang, L Mazzarella, P Procel-Moya, AC Tamboli, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 142, 100579, 2020
Silicon heterojunction solar cells: Recent technological development and practical aspects-from lab to industry
J Haschke, O Dupré, M Boccard, C Ballif
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 187, 140-153, 2018
Nanoimprint lithography for high-efficiency thin-film silicon solar cells
C Battaglia, J Escarré, K Söderström, L Erni, L Ding, G Bugnon, A Billet, ...
Nano letters 11 (2), 661-665, 2011
Stable Dopant-Free Asymmetric Heterocontact Silicon Solar Cells with Efficiencies above 20%
J Bullock, Y Wan, Z Xu, S Essig, M Hettick, H Wang, W Ji, M Boccard, ...
ACS Energy Letters 3 (3), 508-513, 2018
25.1%-Efficient Monolithic Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cell Based on a p-type Monocrystalline Textured Silicon Wafer and High-Temperature Passivating …
G Nogay, F Sahli, J Werner, R Monnard, M Boccard, M Despeisse, ...
ACS Energy Letters 4 (4), 844-845, 2019
Amorphous Si Thin Film Based Photocathodes with High Photovoltage for Efficient Hydrogen Production
Y Lin, C Battaglia, M Boccard, M Hettick, Z Yu, C Ballif, JW Ager, A Javey
Nano letters 13 (11), 5615-5618, 2013
Mixed-phase p-type silicon oxide containing silicon nanocrystals and its role in thin-film silicon solar cells
P Cuony, M Marending, DTL Alexander, M Boccard, G Bugnon, ...
Applied Physics Letters 97 (21), 213502-213502-3, 2010
Multiscale transparent electrode architecture for efficient light management and carrier collection in solar cells
M Boccard, C Battaglia, S Hänni, K Söderström, J Escarré, S Nicolay, ...
Nano letters 12 (3), 1344-1348, 2012
Silicon Filaments in Silicon Oxide for Next‐Generation Photovoltaics
P Cuony, DTL Alexander, I Perez‐Wurfl, M Despeisse, G Bugnon, ...
Advanced Materials 24 (9), 1182-1186, 2012
Recent advances and remaining challenges in thin-film silicon photovoltaic technology
F Meillaud, M Boccard, G Bugnon, M Despeisse, S Hänni, FJ Haug, ...
Materials Today 18 (7), 378-384, 2015
High‐efficiency microcrystalline silicon single‐junction solar cells
S Hänni, G Bugnon, G Parascandolo, M Boccard, J Escarré, M Despeisse, ...
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 21 (5), 821-826, 2013
Optimization of thin film silicon solar cells on highly textured substrates
M Despeisse, C Battaglia, M Boccard, G Bugnon, M Charrière, P Cuony, ...
physica status solidi (a) 208 (8), 1863-1868, 2011
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