Yoann Pertot
Yoann Pertot
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Streaking of 43-attosecond soft-X-ray pulses generated by a passively CEP-stable mid-infrared driver
T Gaumnitz, A Jain, Y Pertot, M Huppert, I Jordan, F Ardana-Lamas, ...
Optics express 25 (22), 27506-27518, 2017
Time-resolved x-ray absorption spectroscopy with a water window high-harmonic source
Y Pertot, C Schmidt, M Matthews, A Chauvet, M Huppert, V Svoboda, ...
Science 355 (6322), 264-267, 2017
Extreme–ultraviolet high–harmonic generation in liquids
TT Luu, Z Yin, A Jain, T Gaumnitz, Y Pertot, J Ma, HJ Wörner
Nature communications 9 (1), 3723, 2018
Multi-µJ coherent extreme ultraviolet source generated from carbon using the plasma harmonic method
LBE Bom, Y Pertot, VR Bhardwaj, T Ozaki
Optics Express 19 (4), 3077-3085, 2011
Pencil lead plasma for generating multimicrojoule high-order harmonics with a broad spectrum
Y Pertot, LB Elouga Bom, VR Bhardwaj, T Ozaki
Applied Physics Letters 98 (10), 2011
Generation of continuum high-order harmonics from carbon plasma using double optical gating
Y Pertot, S Chen, SD Khan, LBE Bom, T Ozaki, Z Chang
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 45 (7), 074017, 2012
High-order harmonic source spanning up to the oxygen K-edge based on filamentation pulse compression
C Schmidt, Y Pertot, T Balciunas, K Zinchenko, M Matthews, HJ Wörner, ...
Optics Express 26 (9), 11834-11842, 2018
Carbon molecules for intense high-order harmonics from laser-ablated graphite plume
MA Fareed, S Mondal, Y Pertot, T Ozaki
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 49 (3), 035604, 2016
Sub-cycle steering of the deprotonation of acetylene by intense few-cycle mid-infrared laser fields
H Li, NG Kling, T Gaumnitz, C Burger, R Siemering, J Schötz, Q Liu, L Ban, ...
Optics Express 25 (13), 14192-14203, 2017
Apparatus for attosecond transient-absorption spectroscopy in the water-window soft-X-ray region
KS Zinchenko, F Ardana-Lamas, VU Lanfaloni, TT Luu, Y Pertot, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 3059, 2023
Elouga Bom LB, Bhardwaj VR and Ozaki T 2011
Y Pertot
Appl. Phys. Lett 98, 101104, 0
A versatile high-average-power ultrafast infrared driver tailored for high-harmonic generation and vibrational spectroscopy
N Thiré, G Chatterjee, Y Pertot, O Albert, G Karras, Y Zhang, AS Wyatt, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 18874, 2023
Ultra-stable OPCPA at 2 μm, 16 fs, sub 100 mrad CEP noise
R Maksimenka, G Jargot, N Thiré, Y Pertot, N Forget
Mid-Infrared Coherent Sources, MM1C. 3, 2020
Energy scaling of carrier-envelope-phase-stable sub-two-cycle pulses at 1.76 µm from hollow-core-fiber compression to 1.9 mJ
KS Zinchenko, F Ardana-Lamas, V Utrio Lanfaloni, Y Pertot, TT Luu, ...
Optics Express 30 (13), 22376-22387, 2022
CEP-stable Infrared OPCPA Sources
N Thiré, R Maksimenka, Y Pertot, J Villanueva, T Pinoteau, N Forget
Laser Science, JTu1A. 26, 2021
100 kHz tunable mid-IR ultrafast sources for high intensity applications
Y Pertot, N Thiré, R Maksimenka, O Albert, N Forget
Emerging Laser Technologies for High-Power and Ultrafast Science, 4-1-4-22, 2021
Wavelength tuning of highly stable high-order harmonics generated from carbon plasma
Y Pertot, XB Bian, MA Fareed, AD Bandrauk, T Ozaki
2013 IEEE Photonics Conference, 51-52, 2013
Dual picosecond fast tunable optical parametric amplifier laser system for wide-field nonlinear optical microscopy
F Vernuccio, A Benachir, EM Fantuzzi, B Morel, S Bux, E Martin, ...
APL Photonics 9 (9), 2024
Ultralow-Noise Optical Parametric Amplifier for Stimulated Raman Scattering Imaging
I Martin, Y Pertot, O Albert, T Pinoteau, S Coudreau, S Pomarède, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.07357, 2023
CEP-stable infrared OPCPA sources
Y Pertot, N Thiré, R Maksimenka, S Bux, G Gitzinger, J Villanueva, ...
High Intensity Lasers and High Field Phenomena, HTh5B. 4, 2022
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