Carolyn Van Toen (Greaves)
Carolyn Van Toen (Greaves)
MDA Corporation
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A three-dimensional finite element model of the cervical spine with spinal cord: an investigation of three injury mechanisms
CY Greaves, MS Gadala, TR Oxland
Annals of biomedical engineering 36, 396-405, 2008
Acoustic emission signals can discriminate between compressive bone fractures and tensile ligament injuries in the spine during dynamic loading
C Van Toen, J Street, TR Oxland, PA Cripton
Journal of biomechanics 45 (9), 1643-1649, 2012
Pediatric and adult three-dimensional cervical spine kinematics: effect of age and sex through overall motion
LL Greaves, C Van Toen, A Melnyk, L Koenig, Q Zhu, S Tredwell, ...
Spine 34 (16), 1650-1657, 2009
Ipsilateral shoulder and elbow replacements: On the risk of periprosthetic fracture
D Plausinis, C Greaves, WD Regan, TR Oxland
Clinical Biomechanics 20 (10), 1055-1063, 2005
Comparison of foam-based and spring-loaded dry EEG electrodes with wet electrodes in resting and moving conditions
A Yeung, H Garudadri, C Van Toen, P Mercier, O Balkan, S Makeig, ...
37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2015
The effect of lateral eccentricity on failure loads, kinematics, and canal occlusions of the cervical spine in axial loading
PAC C. Van Toen, A.D. Melnyk, J. Street, T.R. Oxland
Journal of Biomechanics 47 (5), 1164-1172, 2014
Transmission of force in the lumbosacral spine during backward falls
C Van Toen, MM Sran, SN Robinovitch, PA Cripton
Spine 37 (9), E519-E527, 2012
Effect of Alpine ski boot cuff release on knee joint force during the backward fall
DL Benoit, M Lamontagne, C Greaves, A Liti, G Cerulli
Research in Sports Medicine 13 (4), 317-330, 2005
A neck compression injury criterion incorporating lateral eccentricity
T Whyte, AD Melnyk, C Van Toen, S Yamamoto, J Street, TR Oxland, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 7114, 2020
Head and neck injury potential with and without helmets during head-first impacts on snow
D Dressler, D Richards, E Bates, C Van Toen, P Cripton
Skiing Trauma and Safety: 19th Volume, 2012
Cervical spine injuries and flexibilities following axial impact with lateral eccentricity
C Van Toen, J Street, TR Oxland, PA Cripton
Eur Spine J. 24, 136-147, 2014
Biomechanics of cervical spine and spinal cord injury under combined axial compression and lateral bending loading
CY Van Toen
University of British Columbia, 2013
Lower cervical spine hard tissue injury prediction in axial compression
F Khor, D Cronin, C Van Toen
Bone 12, 14, 2017
Clinical safety and efficacy of a fully automated robot for magnetic resonance imaging-guided breast biopsy
TF Mehran Anvari, Trevor Chapman, Karen Barlow, Tyler Cookson, Carolyn Van Toen
The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery …, 2023
Spinal cord injury mechanisms
CY Greaves
University of British Columbia, 2004
Acoustic Emission Signals from Injuries of Three‐Vertebra Specimens
C Van Toen, J Street, TR Oxland, PA Cripton
International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury, 2014
The Effect of Age and Gender on the Three-Dimensional Kinematics of the Pediatric Cervical Spine
LL Greaves, Q Zhu, PA Cripton, M Cluff, CY Greaves, A Melnyk, A Perdios, ...
SAE Transactions, 863-870, 2007
The diagnostic precision of computed tomography for traumatic cervical spine injury: An in vitro biomechanical investigation
S Yamamoto, T Whyte, C Van Toen, A Melnyk, J Shewchuk, J Street, ...
Clinical Biomechanics 92, 105529, 2022
Moment Measurements in Dynamic and Quasi-Static Spine Segment Testing Using Eccentric Compression are Susceptible to Artifacts Based on Loading Configuration
C Van Toen, JW Carter, TR Oxland, PA Cripton
J Biomech Eng. 136 (12), 124505, 2014
Simulation of head-first impact using cervical spine specimens, simulated neck muscles, and a Hybrid III ATD head
C Van Toen, CF Jones, TS Nelson, J Street, PA Cripton
Ohio State University's 5th Annual Injury Biomechanics Symposium, 2009
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