Alvaro Lorca
Alvaro Lorca
Associate Professor, PUC-Chile
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Adaptive robust optimization with dynamic uncertainty sets for multi-period economic dispatch under significant wind
A Lorca, XA Sun
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 30 (4), 1702-1713, 2014
Multistage adaptive robust optimization for the unit commitment problem
A Lorca, XA Sun, E Litvinov, T Zheng
Operations Research 64 (1), 32-51, 2016
Multistage robust unit commitment with dynamic uncertainty sets and energy storage
A Lorca, XA Sun
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32 (3), 1678-1688, 2016
Humanitarian logistics
M Çelik, Ö Ergun, B Johnson, P Keskinocak, Á Lorca, P Pekgün, J Swann
New directions in informatics, optimization, logistics, and production, 18-49, 2012
A comprehensive review on expansion planning: Models and tools for energy policy analysis
L Gacitua, P Gallegos, R Henriquez-Auba, Á Lorca, M Negrete-Pincetic, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 98, 346-360, 2018
An adaptive robust optimization model for power systems planning with operational uncertainty
F Verástegui, A Lorca, DE Olivares, M Negrete-Pincetic, P Gazmuri
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34 (6), 4606-4616, 2019
The adaptive robust multi-period alternating current optimal power flow problem
A Lorca, XA Sun
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 33 (2), 1993-2003, 2017
Review and assessment of energy policy developments in Chile
Y Simsek, Á Lorca, T Urmee, PA Bahri, R Escobar
Energy Policy 127, 87-101, 2019
An optimization‐based decision‐support tool for post‐disaster debris operations
Á Lorca, M Çelik, Ö Ergun, P Keskinocak
Production and Operations Management 26 (6), 1076-1091, 2017
Robust unit commitment with dispatchable wind power
G Morales-España, Á Lorca, MM de Weerdt
Electric Power Systems Research 155, 58-66, 2018
The impact of concentrated solar power in electric power systems: A Chilean case study
R Mena, R Escobar, Á Lorca, M Negrete-Pincetic, D Olivares
Applied Energy 235, 258-283, 2019
A decision-support tool for post-disaster debris operations
Á Lorca, M Çelik, Ö Ergun, P Keskinocak
Procedia Engineering 107, 154-167, 2015
Optimization-based analysis of decarbonization pathways and flexibility requirements in highly renewable power systems
F Verástegui, A Lorca, D Olivares, M Negrete-Pincetic
Energy 234, 121242, 2021
Comparison of energy scenario alternatives for Chile: Towards low-carbon energy transition by 2030
Y Simsek, H Sahin, Á Lorca, WG Santika, T Urmee, R Escobar
Energy 206, 118021, 2020
An efficient forecasting-optimization scheme for the intraday unit commitment process under significant wind and solar power
S Cordova, H Rudnick, A Lorca, V Martinez
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 9 (4), 1899-1909, 2018
Power portfolio optimization considering locational electricity prices and risk management
Á Lorca, J Prina
Electric Power Systems Research 109, 80-89, 2014
Expansion planning under uncertainty for hydrothermal systems with variable resources
B Maluenda, M Negrete-Pincetic, DE Olivares, Á Lorca
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 103, 644-651, 2018
Predictive capacity of topological measures in evaluating seismic risk and resilience of electric power networks
E Ferrario, A Poulos, S Castro, JC de la Llera, A Lorca
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 217, 108040, 2022
A robust decision-support method based on optimization and simulation for wildfire resilience in highly renewable power systems
T Tapia, A Lorca, D Olivares, M Negrete-Pincetic
European Journal of Operational Research 294 (2), 723-733, 2021
Comparison between concentrated solar power and gas-based generation in terms of economic and flexibility-related aspects in Chile
C Hernández Moris, MT Cerda Guevara, A Salmon, A Lorca
Energies 14 (4), 1063, 2021
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