parisa dehkhoda
parisa dehkhoda
Professor of Electroamgnetic waves
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Nanophotonic platforms for enhanced chiral sensing
E Mohammadi, KL Tsakmakidis, AN Askarpour, P Dehkhoda, A Tavakoli, ...
Acs Photonics 5 (7), 2669-2675, 2018
Accessible superchiral near-fields driven by tailored electric and magnetic resonances in all-dielectric nanostructures
E Mohammadi, A Tavakoli, P Dehkhoda, Y Jahani, KL Tsakmakidis, A Tittl, ...
Acs Photonics 6 (8), 1939-1946, 2019
An efficient and reliable shielding effectiveness evaluation of a rectangular enclosure with numerous apertures
P Dehkhoda, A Tavakoli, R Moini
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility 50 (1), 208-212, 2008
Ultra-wideband scanning antenna array with Rotman lens
A Darvazehban, O Manoochehri, MA Salari, P Dehkhoda, A Tavakoli
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 65 (9), 3435-3442, 2017
A compact single-layer dual-band microstrip antenna for satellite applications
SHS Esfahlani, A Tavakoli, P Dehkhoda
IEEE antennas and wireless propagation letters 10, 931-934, 2011
Application of the matrix pencil method to rational fitting of frequency-domain responses
K Sheshyekani, HR Karami, P Dehkhoda, M Paolone, F Rachidi
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 27 (4), 2399-2408, 2012
Shielding effectiveness of an enclosure with finite wall thickness and perforated opposing walls at oblique incidence and arbitrary polarization by GMMoM
P Dehkhoda, A Tavakoli, M Azadifar
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility 54 (4), 792-805, 2012
A crown square microstrip fractal antenna
P Dehkhoda, A Tavakoli
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Symposium, 2004. 3, 2396-2399, 2004
Preparation and characterization of foamed polyurethane/silicone rubber/graphite nanocomposite as radio frequency wave absorbing material: The role of interfacial compatibilization
ARS Esfahani, AA Katbab, P Dehkhoda, HR Karami, M Barikani, ...
Composites science and technology 72 (3), 382-389, 2012
Fast shielding effectiveness calculation of metallic enclosures with apertures using a multiresolution method of moments technique
MA Khorrami, P Dehkhoda, RM Mazandaran, SHH Sadeghi
IEEE transactions on electromagnetic compatibility 52 (1), 230-235, 2009
An iterative modified diffraction tomography method for reconstruction of a high-contrast buried object
M Hajebi, A Tavakoli, M Dehmollaian, P Dehkhoda
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 56 (7), 4138-4148, 2018
Fast calculation of the shielding effectiveness for a rectangular enclosure of finite wall thickness and with numerous small apertures
P Dehkhoda, A Tavakoli, R Moini
Progress In Electromagnetics Research 86, 341-355, 2008
Electrically conductive foamed polyurethane/silicone rubber/graphite nanocomposites as radio frequency wave absorbing material: The role of foam structure
AR Shafieizadegan‐Esfahani, AA Katbab, AR Pakdaman, P Dehkhoda, ...
Polymer composites 33 (3), 397-403, 2012
Shielding effectiveness of a rectangular enclosure with finite wall thickness and rectangular apertures by the generalised modal method of moments
P Dehkhoda, A Tavakoli, R Moini
IET science, measurement & technology 3 (2), 123-136, 2009
Improved modal method of moments technique to compensate the effect of wall dimension in shielding effectiveness evaluation
M Nobakhti, P Dehkhoda, A Tavakoli
IET Science, Measurement & Technology 8 (1), 17-22, 2014
A miniaturized circularly polarized microstrip antenna for GPS applications
F Daneshmandian, P Dehkhoda, A Tavakoli
2014 22nd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 1653-1656, 2014
Chalipa, a novel wideband circularly polarized microstrip fractal antenna
M Rahmani, A Tavakoli, HR Amindavar, AM Reza, P Dehkhoda
2009 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, 2389-2392, 2009
A highly directive graphene antenna embedded inside a Fabry-Perot cavity in terahertz regime
M Roshanaei, H Karami, P Dehkhoda, H Esfahani, F Dabir
Superlattices and Microstructures 117, 356-363, 2018
Shielding effectiveness of a metallic perforated enclosure by mesh-free method
E Mohammadi, P Dehkhoda, A Tavakoli, B Honarbakhsh
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility 58 (3), 758-765, 2016
An efficient shielding effectiveness calculation (A rectangular enclosure with numerous square apertures)
P Dehkhoda, A Tavakoli, R Moini
2007 IEEE international symposium on electromagnetic compatibility, 1-4, 2007
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